5.7. Random Pile’o’Tools

Provide some utilities for building simulation applications.

5.7.1. General utilities

mirgecom.simutil.check_step(step, interval)[source]

Check step number against a user-specified interval.

Utility is used typically for visualization.

  • Negative numbers mean ‘never visualize’.

  • Zero means ‘always visualize’.

Useful for checking whether the current step is an output step, or anything else that occurs on fixed intervals.

mirgecom.simutil.get_sim_timestep(dcoll, state, t, dt, cfl, t_final=0.0, constant_cfl=False, local_dt=False, fluid_dd=DOFDesc(domain_tag=VolumeDomainTag(tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.VTAG_ALL'>), discretization_tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.DISCR_TAG_BASE'>))[source]

Return the maximum stable timestep for a typical fluid simulation.

This routine returns a constraint-limited timestep size for a fluid simulation. The returned timestep will be constrained by the specified Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number, cfl, and the simulation max simulated time limit, t_final, and subject to the user’s optional settings.

The local fluid timestep, \(\delta{t}_l\), is computed by get_viscous_timestep(). Users are referred to that routine for the details of the local timestep.

With the remaining simulation time \(\Delta{t}_r = \left(\mathit{t\_final}-\mathit{t}\right)\), three modes are supported for the returned timestep, \(\delta{t}\):

  • “Constant DT” mode (default): \(\delta{t} = \mathbf{\text{min}} \left(\textit{dt},~\Delta{t}_r\right)\)

  • “Constant CFL” mode (constant_cfl=True): \(\delta{t} = \mathbf{\text{min}}\left(\mathbf{\text{global\_min}}\left(\delta{t}\_l\right) ,~\Delta{t}_r\right)\)

  • “Local DT” mode (local_dt=True): \(\delta{t} = \mathbf{\text{cell\_local\_min}} \left(\delta{t}_l\right)\)

Note that for “Local DT” mode, t_final is ignored, and a DOFArray containing the local cfl-limited timestep, where \(\mathbf{\text{cell\_local\_min}}\left(\delta{t}\_l\right)\) is defined as the minimum over the cell collocation points. This mode is useful for stepping to convergence of steady-state solutions.


For “Constant CFL” mode, this routine calls the collective nodal_min() on the inside which involves MPI collective functions. Thus all MPI ranks on the DiscretizationCollection must call this routine collectively when using “Constant CFL” mode.

  • dcoll (DiscretizationCollection) – The DG discretization collection to use

  • state (FluidState) – The full fluid conserved and thermal state

  • t (float) – Current time

  • t_final (float) – Final time

  • dt (float) – The current timestep

  • cfl (float) – The current CFL number

  • constant_cfl (bool) – True if running constant CFL mode

  • local_dt (bool) – True if running local DT mode. False by default.

  • fluid_dd (grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc) – the DOF descriptor of the discretization on which state lives. Must be a volume on the base discretization.


The global maximum stable DT based on a viscous fluid.

Return type:

float or DOFArray

mirgecom.simutil.write_visfile(dcoll, io_fields, visualizer, vizname, step=0, t=0, overwrite=False, vis_timer=None, comm=None)[source]

Write parallel VTK output for the fields specified in io_fields.

This routine writes a parallel-compatible unstructured VTK visualization file set in (vtu/pvtu) format. One file per MPI rank is written with the following naming convention: vizname*_*step*_<mpi-rank>.vtu, and a single file manifest with naming convention: *vizname*_*step.pvtu. Users are advised to visualize the data using _Paraview_, _VisIt_, or other VTU-compatible visualization software by opening the PVTU files.


This is a collective routine and must be called by all MPI ranks.

  • visualizer – A meshmode.discretization.visualization.Visualizer VTK output object.

  • io_fields – List of tuples indicating the (name, data) for each field to write.

  • vizname (str) – Root part of the visualization file name to write

  • step (int) – The step number to use in the file names

  • t (float) – The simulation time to write into the visualization files

  • overwrite (bool) – Option whether to overwrite existing files (True) or fail if files exist (False=default).

  • comm – An MPI Communicator is required for parallel writes. If no mpi_communicator is provided, then the write is assumed to be serial. (deprecated behavior: pull an MPI communicator from the discretization collection. This will stop working in Fall 2022.)

mirgecom.simutil.global_reduce(local_values, op, *, comm=None)[source]

Perform a global reduction (allreduce if MPI comm is provided).

This routine is a convenience wrapper for the MPI AllReduce operation that also works outside of an MPI context.


This is a collective routine and must be called by all MPI ranks.

  • local_values – The (mpi4py-compatible) value or array of values on which the reduction operation is to be performed.

  • op (str) – Reduction operation to be performed. Must be one of “min”, “max”, “sum”, “prod”, “lor”, or “land”.

  • comm – Optional parameter specifying the MPI communicator on which the reduction operation (if any) is to be performed


Returns the result of the reduction operation on local_values

Return type:

Any ( like local_values )

mirgecom.simutil.get_reasonable_memory_pool(ctx, queue, force_buffer=False, force_non_pool=False)[source]

Return an SVM or buffer memory pool based on what the device supports.

By default, it prefers SVM allocations over CL buffers, and memory pools over direct allocations.


5.7.2. Diagnostic utilities

mirgecom.simutil.compare_fluid_solutions(dcoll, red_state, blue_state, *, dd=DOFDesc(domain_tag=VolumeDomainTag(tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.VTAG_ALL'>), discretization_tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.DISCR_TAG_BASE'>))[source]

Return inf norm of (red_state - blue_state) for each component.


This is a collective routine and must be called by all MPI ranks.

mirgecom.simutil.componentwise_norms(dcoll, fields, order=inf, *, dd=DOFDesc(domain_tag=VolumeDomainTag(tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.VTAG_ALL'>), discretization_tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.DISCR_TAG_BASE'>))[source]

Return the order-norm for each component of fields.


This is a collective routine and must be called by all MPI ranks.

mirgecom.simutil.max_component_norm(dcoll, fields, order=inf, *, dd=DOFDesc(domain_tag=VolumeDomainTag(tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.VTAG_ALL'>), discretization_tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.DISCR_TAG_BASE'>))[source]

Return the max order-norm over the components of fields.


This is a collective routine and must be called by all MPI ranks.

mirgecom.simutil.check_naninf_local(dcoll, dd, field)[source]

Return True if there are any NaNs or Infs in the field.

Return type:


mirgecom.simutil.check_range_local(dcoll, dd, field, min_value, max_value)[source]

Return the values that are outside the range [min_value, max_value].

Return type:


mirgecom.simutil.boundary_report(dcoll, boundaries, outfile_name, *, dd=DOFDesc(domain_tag=VolumeDomainTag(tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.VTAG_ALL'>), discretization_tag=<class 'grudge.dof_desc.DISCR_TAG_BASE'>), mesh=None)[source]

Generate a report of the grid boundaries.

5.7.3. Mesh and element utilities

mirgecom.simutil.geometric_mesh_partitioner(mesh, num_ranks=None, *, nranks_per_axis=None, auto_balance=False, imbalance_tolerance=0.01, debug=False)[source]

Partition a mesh uniformly along the X coordinate axis.

The intent is to partition the mesh uniformly along user-specified directions. In this current interation, the capability is demonstrated by splitting along the X axis.

  • mesh (meshmode.mesh.Mesh) – The serial mesh to partition

  • num_ranks (int) – The number of partitions to make (deprecated)

  • nranks_per_axis (numpy.ndarray) – How many partitions per specified axis.

  • auto_balance (bool) – Indicates whether to perform automatic balancing. If true, the partitioner will try to balance the number of elements over the partitions.

  • imbalance_tolerance (float) – If auto_balance is True, this parameter indicates the acceptable relative difference to the average number of elements per partition. It defaults to balance within 1%.

  • debug (bool) – En/disable debugging/diagnostic print reporting.


elem_to_rank – Array indicating the MPI rank for each element

Return type:


mirgecom.simutil.distribute_mesh(comm, get_mesh_data, partition_generator_func=None, logmgr=None)[source]

Distribute a mesh among all ranks in comm.

Retrieve the global mesh data with the user-supplied function get_mesh_data, partition the mesh, and distribute it to every rank in the provided MPI communicator comm.


This is a collective routine and must be called by all MPI ranks.

  • comm – MPI communicator over which to partition the mesh

  • get_mesh_data – Callable of zero arguments returning mesh or (mesh, tag_to_elements, volume_to_tags), where mesh is a meshmode.mesh.Mesh, tag_to_elements is a dict mapping mesh volume tags to numpy.ndarrays of element numbers, and volume_to_tags is a dict that maps volumes in the resulting distributed mesh to volume tags in tag_to_elements.

  • partition_generator_func – Optional callable that takes mesh, tag_to_elements, and comm’s size, and returns a numpy.ndarray indicating to which rank each element belongs.


  • local_mesh_data (meshmode.mesh.Mesh or dict) – If the result of calling get_mesh_data specifies a single volume, local_mesh_data is the local mesh. If it specifies multiple volumes, local_mesh_data will be a dict mapping volume tags to tuples of the form (local_mesh, local_tag_to_elements).

  • global_nelements (int) – The number of elements in the global mesh

mirgecom.simutil.get_number_of_tetrahedron_nodes(dim, order, include_faces=False)[source]

Get number of nodes (modes) in dim Tetrahedron of order.

mirgecom.simutil.get_box_mesh(dim, a, b, n, t=None, periodic=None, tensor_product_elements=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create a rectangular “box” like mesh with tagged boundary faces.

The resulting mesh has boundary tags “-i” and “+i” for i=1,…,dim corresponding to lower and upper faces normal to coordinate dimension i.

  • dim (int) – The mesh topological dimension

  • a (float or tuple) – The coordinates of the lower corner of the box. If scalar-valued, gets promoted to a uniform tuple.

  • b (float or tuple) – The coordinates of the upper corner of the box. If scalar-valued, gets promoted to a uniform tuple.

  • n (int or tuple) – The number of elements along a given dimension. If scalar-valued, gets promoted to a uniform tuple.

  • t (str or None) – The mesh type. See meshmode.mesh.generation.generate_box_mesh() for details.

  • periodic (bool or tuple or None) – Indicates whether the mesh is periodic in a given dimension. If scalar-valued, gets promoted to a uniform tuple.


The generated box mesh.

Return type:


5.7.4. Simulation support utilities

mirgecom.simutil.configurate(config_key, config_object=None, default_value=None)[source]

Return a configured item from a configuration object.

5.7.5. File comparison utilities

mirgecom.simutil.compare_files_vtu(first_file, second_file, file_type, tolerance=1e-12, field_tolerance=None)[source]

Compare files of vtu type.

  • first_file (str) – First file to compare

  • second_file (str) – Second file to compare

  • file_type (str) – Vtu files

  • tolerance (float) – Max acceptable absolute difference

  • field_tolerance (Dict[str, float] | None) – Dictionary of individual field tolerances


  • True – If it passes the files contain data within the given tolerance.

  • False – If it fails the files contain data outside the given tolerance.

Return type:


mirgecom.simutil.compare_files_xdmf(first_file, second_file, tolerance=1e-12)[source]

Compare files of xdmf type.

  • first_file (str) – First file to compare

  • second_file (str) – Second file to compare

  • file_type – Xdmf files

  • tolerance (float) – Max acceptable absolute difference


  • True – If it passes the file type test or contains same data.

  • False – If it fails the file type test or contains different data.

mirgecom.simutil.compare_files_hdf5(first_file, second_file, tolerance=1e-12)[source]

Compare files of hdf5 type.

  • first_file (str) – First file to compare

  • second_file (str) – Second file to compare

  • file_type – Hdf5 files

  • tolerance (float) – Max acceptable absolute difference


  • True – If it passes the file type test or contains same data.

  • False – If it fails the file type test or contains different data.

5.7.6. Exceptions

class mirgecom.simutil.SimulationConfigurationError[source]

Simulation physics configuration or parameters error.

class mirgecom.simutil.ApplicationOptionsError[source]

Application command-line options error.

class mirgecom.simutil.SimulationRuntimeError[source]

General simulation runtime error.

Useful bits and bobs.

class mirgecom.utils.StatisticsAccumulator(scale_factor=1)[source]

Class that provides statistical functions for multiple values.


scale_factor (float)


Initialize an empty StatisticsAccumulator object.


scale_factor (float) – Scale returned statistics by this factor.

Return type:



Add a new value to the statistics.


v (float)

Return type:



Return the sum of added values.

Return type:

float | None


Return the mean of added values.

Return type:

float | None


Return the max of added values.

Return type:

float | None


Return the min of added values.

Return type:

float | None

num_values: int

Convert a dataclass into a dict.

What dataclasses.asdict() should have been: no recursion, no deep copy. Simply turn one layer of a dataclass into a dict.

Return type:


mirgecom.utils.force_evaluation(actx, x)[source]

Force evaluation of a (possibly lazy) array.

mirgecom.utils.force_compile(actx, f, *args)[source]

Force compilation of f with args.


Normalize the keys of boundaries.

Promotes boundary tags to grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag.

mirgecom.utils.project_from_base(dcoll, tgt_dd, field)[source]

Project field from DISCR_TAG_BASE to the same discr. as tgt_dd.

mirgecom.utils.mask_from_elements(dcoll, dd, actx, elements)[source]

Get a DOFArray mask corresponding to elements.


mask – A DOF array containing \(1\) for elements that are in elements and \(0\) for elements that aren’t.

Return type:


Provide some utilities for handling ArrayContexts.

mirgecom.array_context.get_reasonable_array_context_class(*, lazy, distributed, profiling, numpy=False)[source]

Return a ArrayContext with the given constraints.

Return type:



Return True if actx_class is lazy.


actx_class (Type[ArrayContext])

Return type:



Return True if actx_class is eager.


actx_class (Type[ArrayContext])

Return type:



Return True if actx_class has profiling enabled.


actx_class (Type[ArrayContext])

Return type:



Return True if actx_class is numpy-based.


actx_class (Type[ArrayContext])

Return type:


mirgecom.array_context.initialize_actx(actx_class, comm=None, *, use_axis_tag_inference_fallback=False, use_einsum_inference_fallback=False)[source]

Initialize a new ArrayContext based on actx_class.

Return type:
