Source code for mirgecom.boundary

""":mod:`mirgecom.boundary` provides methods and constructs for boundary treatments.

Boundary Treatment Interfaces

.. autoclass:: FluidBoundary

Boundary Conditions Base Classes

.. autoclass:: PrescribedFluidBoundary
.. autoclass:: MengaldoBoundaryCondition

Boundary Conditions

.. autoclass:: DummyBoundary
.. autoclass:: FarfieldBoundary
.. autoclass:: PressureOutflowBoundary
.. autoclass:: RiemannInflowBoundary
.. autoclass:: RiemannOutflowBoundary
.. autoclass:: IsothermalSlipWallBoundary
.. autoclass:: IsothermalWallBoundary
.. autoclass:: AdiabaticSlipBoundary
.. autoclass:: AdiabaticNoslipWallBoundary
.. autoclass:: LinearizedOutflowBoundary
.. autoclass:: LinearizedInflowBoundary

__copyright__ = """
Copyright (C) 2021 University of Illinois Board of Trustees

__license__ = """
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
import grudge.op as op
from arraycontext import outer, get_container_context_recursively
from meshmode.discretization.connection import FACE_RESTR_ALL
from grudge.dof_desc import as_dofdesc
from grudge.trace_pair import TracePair
from pytools.obj_array import make_obj_array
from mirgecom.fluid import make_conserved
from mirgecom.gas_model import make_fluid_state, replace_fluid_state
from mirgecom.utils import project_from_base
from mirgecom.viscous import viscous_facial_flux_central, viscous_flux
from mirgecom.inviscid import inviscid_facial_flux_rusanov, inviscid_flux

def _ldg_bnd_flux_for_grad(internal_quantity, external_quantity):
    # Default for prescribed boundary; sends (+) bnd value for gradient flux
    return external_quantity

def _get_normal_axes(seed_vector):
    actx = get_container_context_recursively(seed_vector)
    vec_dim, = seed_vector.shape

    vec_mag =, seed_vector))
    seed_vector = seed_vector / vec_mag

    if vec_dim == 1:
        return seed_vector,  # pylint: disable=trailing-comma-tuple

    if vec_dim == 2:
        vector_2 = 0*seed_vector
        vector_2[0] = -1.*seed_vector[1]
        vector_2[1] = 1.*seed_vector[0]
        return seed_vector, vector_2

    if vec_dim == 3:
        x_comp = seed_vector[0]
        y_comp = seed_vector[1]
        z_comp = seed_vector[2]
        zsign = z_comp /

        a = vec_mag * zsign
        b = z_comp + a

        vector_2 = 0*seed_vector
        vector_2[0] = a*b - x_comp*x_comp
        vector_2[1] = -x_comp*y_comp
        vector_2[2] = -x_comp*b
        vec_mag2 =, vector_2))
        vector_2 = vector_2 / vec_mag2
        x_comp_2 = vector_2[0]
        y_comp_2 = vector_2[1]
        z_comp_2 = vector_2[2]

        vector_3 = 0*vector_2
        vector_3[0] = y_comp*z_comp_2 - y_comp_2*z_comp
        vector_3[1] = x_comp_2*z_comp - x_comp*z_comp_2
        vector_3[2] = x_comp*y_comp_2 - y_comp*x_comp_2

    return seed_vector, vector_2, vector_3

def _get_rotation_matrix(principal_direction):
    principal_axes = _get_normal_axes(principal_direction)
    dim, = principal_direction.shape
    comps = []

    for d in range(dim):
        axis = principal_axes[d]
        for i in range(dim):

    comps = make_obj_array(comps)
    return comps.reshape(dim, dim)

def _identical_state(state_minus, **kwargs):
    return state_minus

def _identical_temperature(
        dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs):
    return state_minus.temperature

def _identical_grad_cv(grad_cv_minus, **kwargs):
    return grad_cv_minus

def _identical_grad_temperature(dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, **kwargs):
    return grad_t_minus

class _SlipBoundaryComponent:
    """Helper class for slip boundaries, consistent with [Mengaldo_2014]_."""

    def momentum_plus(self, mom_minus, normal):
        return mom_minus - 2.0*, normal)*normal

    def momentum_bc(self, mom_minus, normal):
        # set the normal momentum to 0
        return mom_minus -, normal)*normal

    def grad_velocity_bc(
            self, state_minus, state_bc, grad_cv_minus, normal):
        from mirgecom.fluid import velocity_gradient
        grad_v_minus = velocity_gradient(, grad_cv_minus)

        # rotate the velocity gradient tensor into the normal direction
        rotation_matrix = _get_rotation_matrix(normal)
        grad_v_normal = rotation_matrix@grad_v_minus@rotation_matrix.T

        # set the normal component of the tangential velocity to 0
        for i in range(state_minus.dim-1):
            grad_v_normal[i+1][0] = 0.*grad_v_normal[i+1][0]

        # get the gradient on the boundary in the global coordiate space
        return rotation_matrix.T@grad_v_normal@rotation_matrix

class _NoSlipBoundaryComponent:
    """Helper class for no-slip boundaries, consistent with [Mengaldo_2014]_."""

    def momentum_plus(self, mom_minus, **kwargs):
        return -mom_minus

    def momentum_bc(self, mom_minus, **kwargs):
        return 0.*mom_minus

class _AdiabaticBoundaryComponent:
    """Helper class for adiabatic boundaries, consistent with [Mengaldo_2014]_."""

    def grad_temperature_bc(self, grad_t_minus, normal):
        return grad_t_minus -, normal)*normal

class _ImpermeableBoundaryComponent:
    """Helper class for impermeable boundaries, consistent with [Mengaldo_2014]_."""

    def grad_species_mass_bc(self, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal):
        nspecies = len(state_minus.species_mass_density)

        grad_species_mass_bc = 1.*grad_cv_minus.species_mass
        if nspecies > 0:
            from mirgecom.fluid import species_mass_fraction_gradient
            grad_y_minus = species_mass_fraction_gradient(,
            grad_y_bc = grad_y_minus - np.outer(grad_y_minus@normal, normal)
            grad_species_mass_bc = 0.*grad_y_bc

            for i in range(nspecies):
                grad_species_mass_bc[i] = \
                     + state_minus.species_mass_fractions[i]*grad_cv_minus.mass)

        return grad_species_mass_bc

# Bare minimum interface to work in CNS Operator
[docs] class FluidBoundary(metaclass=ABCMeta): r"""Abstract interface to fluid boundary treatment. .. automethod:: inviscid_divergence_flux .. automethod:: viscous_divergence_flux .. automethod:: cv_gradient_flux .. automethod:: temperature_gradient_flux """
[docs] @abstractmethod def inviscid_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, numerical_flux_func, **kwargs): """Get the inviscid boundary flux for the divergence operator. This routine returns the facial flux used in the divergence of the inviscid fluid transport flux. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state numerical_flux_func: Function should return the numerical flux corresponding to the divergence of the inviscid transport flux. This function is typically backed by an approximate Riemann solver, such as :func:`~mirgecom.inviscid.inviscid_facial_flux_rusanov`. Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def viscous_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus, numerical_flux_func, **kwargs): """Get the viscous boundary flux for the divergence operator. This routine returns the facial flux used in the divergence of the viscous fluid transport flux. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. grad_cv_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` The gradient of the conserved quantities on the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. grad_t_minus: numpy.ndarray The gradient of the fluid temperature on the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state numerical_flux_func: Function should return the numerical flux corresponding to the divergence of the viscous transport flux. This function is typically backed by a helper, such as :func:`~mirgecom.viscous.viscous_facial_flux_central`. Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def cv_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the boundary flux for the gradient of the fluid conserved variables. This routine returns the facial flux used by the gradient operator to compute the gradient of the fluid solution on a domain boundary. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def temperature_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the boundary flux for the gradient of the fluid temperature. This method returns the boundary flux to be used by the gradient operator when computing the gradient of the fluid temperature at a domain boundary. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """
[docs] class MengaldoBoundaryCondition(FluidBoundary): r"""Abstract interface to Megaldo fluid boundary treatment. Mengaldo boundary conditions are those described by [Mengaldo_2014]_, and with slight mods for flow boundaries from [Poinsot_1992]_ where noted. Base class implementations -------------------------- .. automethod:: inviscid_divergence_flux .. automethod:: viscous_divergence_flux .. automethod:: cv_gradient_flux .. automethod:: temperature_gradient_flux Abstract Mengaldo interface --------------------------- .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc .. automethod:: state_plus """
[docs] @abstractmethod def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the boundary state to be used for inviscid fluxes. This routine returns a boundary state that is designed to be used in an approximate Riemann solver, like HLL, or HLLC. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the boundary condition on the fluid state. This routine returns the exact value of the boundary condition of the fluid state. These are the values we want to enforce at the boundary. It is used in the calculation of the gradient of the conserved quantities, and in the calculation of the viscous fluxes. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Get the boundary condition on the fluid state. This routine returns the exact value of the boundary condition of the fluid state. These are the values we want to enforce at the boundary. It is used in the calculation of the gradient of the conserved quantities, and in the calculation of the viscous fluxes. Parameters ---------- state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. grad_cv_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` ConservedVars object with the gradient of the fluid conserved variables on the (-) side of the boundary. normal: numpy.ndarray Unit normal vector to the boundary Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): r"""Get the boundary condition on the temperature gradient. This routine returns the boundary condition on the gradient of the temperature, $(\nabla{T})_\text{bc}$. This value is used in the calculation of the heat flux. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process grad_t_minus: numpy.ndarray Gradient of the temperature on the (-) side of the boundary. normal: numpy.ndarray Unit normal vector to the boundary Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): r"""Get boundary contition on the temperature. This routine returns the temperature boundary condition, $T_\text{bc}$. This value is used in the calcuation of the temperature gradient, $\nabla{T}$. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary. Returns ------- :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` """
[docs] def inviscid_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, numerical_flux_func=inviscid_facial_flux_rusanov, **kwargs): """Get the inviscid boundary flux for the divergence operator. This routine returns the facial flux used in the divergence of the inviscid fluid transport flux. Mengaldo BCs use the approximate Riemann solver specified by the *numerical_flux_func* to calculate the flux. The boundary implementation must provide the :meth:`state_plus` to set the exterior state used in the Riemann solver. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state numerical_flux_func: Function should return the numerical flux corresponding to the divergence of the inviscid transport flux. This function is typically backed by an approximate Riemann solver, such as :func:`~mirgecom.inviscid.inviscid_facial_flux_rusanov`. Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` """ dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) state_plus = self.state_plus( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) boundary_state_pair = TracePair(dd=dd_bdry, interior=state_minus, exterior=state_plus) normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return numerical_flux_func(boundary_state_pair, gas_model, normal)
[docs] def viscous_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus, numerical_flux_func=viscous_facial_flux_central, **kwargs): r"""Get the viscous boundary flux for the divergence operator. This routine returns the facial flux used in the divergence of the viscous fluid transport flux, ($f_v$). The Mengaldo boundary treatment sends back the face-normal component of the physical viscous flux calculated with the boundary conditions: .. math:: f_v = F_v\left(\text{CV}_\text{bc}, (\nabla{\text{CV}})_\text{bc}, (\nabla{T})_\text{bc}\right) \cdot \hat{n} where $F_v(.,.,.)$ is the viscous flux function and it is called with the boundary conditions of $\text{CV}$, $\nabla\text{CV}$, and temperature gradient. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. grad_cv_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` The gradient of the conserved quantities on the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. grad_t_minus: numpy.ndarray The gradient of the fluid temperature on the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state numerical_flux_func: Unused! Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` """ dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) actx = state_minus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) state_bc = self.state_bc(dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) grad_cv_bc = self.grad_cv_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, grad_cv_minus=grad_cv_minus, normal=normal, **kwargs) grad_t_bc = self.grad_temperature_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus=grad_t_minus, normal=normal, **kwargs) # Note that [Mengaldo_2014]_ uses F_v(Q_bc, dQ_bc) here and # *not* the numerical viscous flux as advised by [Bassi_1997]_. f_ext = viscous_flux(state=state_bc, grad_cv=grad_cv_bc, grad_t=grad_t_bc) return f_ext@normal
[docs] def cv_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): r"""Get the boundary flux for the gradient of the fluid conserved variables. This routine returns the facial flux used by the gradient operator to compute the gradient of the fluid solution on a domain boundary. The Mengaldo boundary treatment sends back $\text{CV}_bc~\mathbf{\hat{n}}$. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state Returns ------- :class:`mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` """ # Mengaldo Eqn (50)+ state_bc = self.state_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs) actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return outer(, nhat)
[docs] def temperature_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): r"""Get the boundary flux for the gradient of the fluid temperature. This method returns the boundary flux to be used by the gradient operator when computing the gradient of the fluid temperature at a domain boundary. The Mengaldo boundary treatment sends back $T_bc~\mathbf{\hat{n}}$. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary specified by *dd_bdry*. gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ # Mengaldo Eqn (50)+ temperature_bc = self.temperature_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs) actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return outer(temperature_bc, nhat)
[docs] class PrescribedFluidBoundary(FluidBoundary): r"""Abstract interface to a prescribed fluid boundary treatment. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: inviscid_divergence_flux .. automethod:: viscous_divergence_flux .. automethod:: cv_gradient_flux .. automethod:: temperature_gradient_flux """
[docs] def __init__(self, # returns the flux to be used in div op (prescribed flux) inviscid_flux_func=None, # returns CV+, to be used in num flux func (prescribed soln) boundary_state_func=None, # Flux to be used in grad(Temperature) op temperature_gradient_flux_func=None, # Function returns boundary temperature_plus boundary_temperature_func=None, # Function returns the flux to be used in grad(cv) cv_gradient_flux_func=None, # Function computes the numerical flux for a gradient gradient_numerical_flux_func=None, # Function computes the flux to be used in the div op viscous_flux_func=None, # Returns the boundary value for grad(cv) boundary_gradient_cv_func=None, # Returns the boundary value for grad(temperature) boundary_gradient_temperature_func=None, ): """Initialize the PrescribedFluidBoundary and methods.""" self._bnd_state_func = boundary_state_func self._temperature_grad_flux_func = temperature_gradient_flux_func self._inviscid_flux_func = inviscid_flux_func self._bnd_temperature_func = boundary_temperature_func self._grad_num_flux_func = gradient_numerical_flux_func self._cv_gradient_flux_func = cv_gradient_flux_func self._viscous_flux_func = viscous_flux_func self._bnd_grad_cv_func = boundary_gradient_cv_func self._bnd_grad_temperature_func = boundary_gradient_temperature_func if not self._inviscid_flux_func and not self._bnd_state_func: from warnings import warn warn("Using dummy boundary: copies interior solution.", stacklevel=2) if not self._inviscid_flux_func: self._inviscid_flux_func = self._inviscid_flux_for_prescribed_state if not self._bnd_state_func: self._bnd_state_func = _identical_state if not self._bnd_temperature_func: self._bnd_temperature_func = self._temperature_for_prescribed_state if not self._grad_num_flux_func: # Default sends BC value for gradient flux self._grad_num_flux_func = _ldg_bnd_flux_for_grad if not self._cv_gradient_flux_func: self._cv_gradient_flux_func = self._gradient_flux_for_prescribed_cv if not self._temperature_grad_flux_func: self._temperature_grad_flux_func = \ self._gradient_flux_for_prescribed_temperature if not self._viscous_flux_func: self._viscous_flux_func = self._viscous_flux_for_prescribed_state if not self._bnd_grad_cv_func: self._bnd_grad_cv_func = _identical_grad_cv if not self._bnd_grad_temperature_func: self._bnd_grad_temperature_func = _identical_grad_temperature
def _boundary_quantity(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, quantity, local=False, **kwargs): """Get a boundary quantity on local boundary, or projected to "all_faces".""" dd_allfaces = dd_bdry.with_boundary_tag(FACE_RESTR_ALL) return quantity if local else op.project(dcoll, dd_bdry, dd_allfaces, quantity) def _boundary_state_pair(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): return TracePair(dd_bdry, interior=state_minus, exterior=self._bnd_state_func(dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs)) # The following methods provide default implementations of the fluid # boundary functions and helpers. # {{{ Default boundary helpers # Returns temperature(+) for boundaries that prescribe CV(+) def _temperature_for_prescribed_state(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): boundary_state = self._bnd_state_func(dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) return boundary_state.temperature # Returns the flux to be used by the gradient operator when computing the # gradient of the fluid solution on boundaries that prescribe CV(+). def _gradient_flux_for_prescribed_cv(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): # Use prescribed external state and gradient numerical flux function boundary_state = self._bnd_state_func(dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) cv_pair = TracePair(dd_bdry,, actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return outer(self._grad_num_flux_func(, cv_pair.ext), nhat) # Returns the flux to be used by the gradient operator when computing the # gradient of fluid temperature using prescribed fluid temperature(+). def _gradient_flux_for_prescribed_temperature(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): # Feed a boundary temperature to numerical flux for grad op actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) bnd_tpair = TracePair(dd_bdry, interior=state_minus.temperature, exterior=self._bnd_temperature_func( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs)) return outer(self._grad_num_flux_func(, bnd_tpair.ext), nhat) # Returns the flux to be used by the divergence operator when computing the # divergence of inviscid fluid transport flux using the boundary's # prescribed CV(+). def _inviscid_flux_for_prescribed_state( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, numerical_flux_func=inviscid_facial_flux_rusanov, **kwargs): # Use a prescribed boundary state and the numerical flux function dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) boundary_state_pair = self._boundary_state_pair(dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return numerical_flux_func(boundary_state_pair, gas_model, normal) # Returns the flux to be used by the divergence operator when computing the # divergence of viscous fluid transport flux using the boundary's # prescribed CV(+). def _viscous_flux_for_prescribed_state( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus, numerical_flux_func=viscous_facial_flux_central, **kwargs): state_pair = self._boundary_state_pair( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) grad_cv_pair = TracePair( dd_bdry, interior=grad_cv_minus, exterior=self._bnd_grad_cv_func( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, grad_cv_minus=grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus=grad_t_minus)) grad_t_pair = TracePair( dd_bdry, interior=grad_t_minus, exterior=self._bnd_grad_temperature_func( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, grad_cv_minus=grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus=grad_t_minus)) return numerical_flux_func( dcoll=dcoll, gas_model=gas_model, state_pair=state_pair, grad_cv_pair=grad_cv_pair, grad_t_pair=grad_t_pair) # }}} Default boundary helpers
[docs] def inviscid_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, numerical_flux_func=inviscid_facial_flux_rusanov, **kwargs): """Get the inviscid boundary flux for the divergence operator.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) return self._inviscid_flux_func(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, numerical_flux_func=numerical_flux_func, **kwargs)
[docs] def cv_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the cv flux for *dd_bdry* for use in the gradient operator.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) return self._cv_gradient_flux_func( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs)
[docs] def temperature_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the T flux for *dd_bdry* for use in the gradient operator.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) return self._temperature_grad_flux_func(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs)
[docs] def viscous_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus, numerical_flux_func=viscous_facial_flux_central, **kwargs): """Get the viscous flux for *dd_bdry* for use in the divergence operator.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) return self._viscous_flux_func(dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, grad_cv_minus=grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus=grad_t_minus, numerical_flux_func=numerical_flux_func, **kwargs)
[docs] class DummyBoundary(FluidBoundary): """Boundary type that assigns boundary-adjacent solution to the boundary. .. automethod:: inviscid_divergence_flux .. automethod:: viscous_divergence_flux .. automethod:: cv_gradient_flux .. automethod:: temperature_gradient_flux """ def __init__(self): from warnings import warn warn("Using dummy boundary: copies interior solution.", stacklevel=2)
[docs] def inviscid_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, numerical_flux_func=inviscid_facial_flux_rusanov, **kwargs): """Get the inviscid boundary flux for the divergence operator.""" normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return inviscid_flux(state_minus)@normal
[docs] def cv_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the cv flux for *dd_bdry* for use in the gradient operator.""" normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return outer(, normal)
[docs] def temperature_gradient_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the T flux for *dd_bdry* for use in the gradient operator.""" normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return state_minus.temperature*normal
[docs] def viscous_divergence_flux(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus, numerical_flux_func=viscous_facial_flux_central, **kwargs): """Get the viscous flux for *dd_bdry* for use in the divergence operator.""" normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return viscous_flux(state_minus, grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus)@normal
[docs] class AdiabaticSlipBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Boundary condition implementing inviscid slip boundary. This class implements an adiabatic slip wall consistent with the prescription by [Mengaldo_2014]_. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize the BC object.""" self._slip = _SlipBoundaryComponent() self._impermeable = _ImpermeableBoundaryComponent() self._adiabatic = _AdiabaticBoundaryComponent()
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return state with reflected normal-component velocity.""" actx = state_minus.array_context # Grab a unit normal to the boundary nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # set the normal momentum to 0 mom_plus = self._slip.momentum_plus(state_minus.momentum_density, nhat) return replace_fluid_state(state_minus, gas_model, momentum=mom_plus)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return state with zero normal-component velocity.""" actx = state_minus.array_context # Grab a unit normal to the boundary nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # set the normal momentum to 0 mom_bc = self._slip.momentum_bc(state_minus.momentum_density, nhat) energy_bc = ( gas_model.eos.internal_energy( + 0.5*, mom_bc)/state_minus.mass_density) return replace_fluid_state( state_minus, gas_model, energy=energy_bc, momentum=mom_bc)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return temperature for use in grad(temperature).""" return state_minus.temperature
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Compute temperature gradient on the plus state. Impose the opposite normal component to enforce zero energy flux from conduction. """ return self._adiabatic.grad_temperature_bc(grad_t_minus, normal)
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """ Return external grad(CV) used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux. Specify the velocity gradients on the external state to ensure zero energy and momentum flux due to shear stresses. Gradients of species mass fractions are set to zero in the normal direction to ensure zero flux of species across the boundary. """ dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) state_bc = self.state_bc( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) grad_v_bc = self._slip.grad_velocity_bc( state_minus, state_bc, grad_cv_minus, normal) grad_mom_bc = ( state_bc.mass_density * grad_v_bc + np.outer(state_bc.velocity, grad_cv_minus.mass)) grad_species_mass_bc = self._impermeable.grad_species_mass_bc( state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal) return grad_cv_minus.replace( momentum=grad_mom_bc, species_mass=grad_species_mass_bc)
[docs] class FarfieldBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Farfield boundary treatment. This class implements a farfield boundary as described by [Mengaldo_2014]_ eqn. 30 and eqn. 42. The boundary condition is implemented as: .. math:: q^{+} = q_\infty and the gradients .. math:: \nabla q_{bc} = \nabla q^{-} .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__(self, free_stream_pressure, free_stream_velocity, free_stream_temperature, free_stream_mass_fractions=None): """Initialize the boundary condition object.""" self._temperature = free_stream_temperature self._pressure = free_stream_pressure self._species_mass_fractions = free_stream_mass_fractions self._velocity = free_stream_velocity
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the exterior solution on the boundary.""" free_stream_mass_fractions = (0.*state_minus.species_mass_fractions + self._species_mass_fractions) free_stream_temperature = 0.*state_minus.temperature + self._temperature free_stream_pressure = 0.*state_minus.pressure + self._pressure free_stream_velocity = 0.*state_minus.velocity + self._velocity free_stream_density = gas_model.eos.get_density( pressure=free_stream_pressure, temperature=free_stream_temperature, species_mass_fractions=free_stream_mass_fractions) free_stream_internal_energy = gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature=free_stream_temperature, species_mass_fractions=free_stream_mass_fractions) free_stream_total_energy = \ free_stream_density*(free_stream_internal_energy + .5*, free_stream_velocity)) free_stream_spec_mass = free_stream_density * free_stream_mass_fractions cv_infinity = make_conserved( state_minus.dim, mass=free_stream_density, energy=free_stream_total_energy, momentum=free_stream_density*free_stream_velocity, species_mass=free_stream_spec_mass) return make_fluid_state(cv=cv_infinity, gas_model=gas_model, temperature_seed=free_stream_temperature, smoothness_mu=state_minus.smoothness_mu, smoothness_kappa=state_minus.smoothness_kappa, smoothness_beta=state_minus.smoothness_beta)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return BC fluid state.""" return self.state_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return farfield temperature for use in grad(temperature).""" actx = state_minus.array_context return + self._temperature
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_cv_minus
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(temperature) to be used in viscous flux at wall.""" return grad_t_minus
[docs] class PressureOutflowBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Outflow boundary treatment with prescribed pressure. This class implements an outflow boundary as described by [Mengaldo_2014]_. The boundary condition is implemented as: .. math:: \rho^+ &= \rho^- \rho\mathbf{Y}^+ &= \rho\mathbf{Y}^- \rho\mathbf{V}^+ &= \rho\mathbf{V}^- For an ideal gas at super-sonic flow conditions, i.e. when: .. math:: \rho\mathbf{V} \cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}} \ge c, then the pressure is extrapolated from interior points: .. math:: P^+ = P^- Otherwise, if the flow is sub-sonic, then the prescribed boundary pressure, $P^+$, is used. In both cases, the energy is computed as: .. math:: \rho{E}^+ = \frac{\left(2~P^+ - P^-\right)}{\left(\gamma-1\right)} + \frac{1}{2}\rho^+\left(\mathbf{V}^+\cdot\mathbf{V}^+\right). For mixtures, the pressure is imposed or extrapolated in a similar fashion to the ideal gas case. However, the total energy depends on the temperature to account for the species enthalpy and variable specific heat at constant volume. For super-sonic flows, it is extrapolated from interior points: .. math:: T^+ = T^- while for sub-sonic flows, it is evaluated using ideal gas law .. math:: T^+ = \frac{P^+}{R_{mix} \rho^+} .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__(self, boundary_pressure=101325): """Initialize the boundary condition object.""" self._pressure = boundary_pressure
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the exterior solution on the boundary. This is the partially non-reflective boundary state described by [Mengaldo_2014]_ eqn. 40 if super-sonic, 41 if sub-sonic. For super-sonic outflow, the interior flow properties (minus) are extrapolated to the exterior point (plus). For sub-sonic outflow, the pressure is imposed on the external point. For mixtures, the internal energy is obtained via temperature, which comes from ideal gas law with the mixture-weighted gas constant. For ideal gas, the internal energy is obtained directly from pressure. """ actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # boundary-normal velocity boundary_vel =, nhat)*nhat boundary_speed =, boundary_vel)) speed_of_sound = state_minus.speed_of_sound kinetic_energy = gas_model.eos.kinetic_energy( gamma = gas_model.eos.gamma(, state_minus.temperature) # evaluate internal energy based on prescribed pressure pressure_plus = 2.0*self._pressure - state_minus.pressure if state_minus.is_mixture: gas_const = gas_model.eos.gas_const( temp_plus = (, speed_of_sound), state_minus.temperature, pressure_plus/(*gas_const))) internal_energy =*( gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy(temp_plus, state_minus.species_mass_fractions)) else: boundary_pressure = (, speed_of_sound), state_minus.pressure, pressure_plus)) internal_energy = boundary_pressure/(gamma - 1.0) total_energy = internal_energy + kinetic_energy cv_outflow = make_conserved(dim=state_minus.dim,,, energy=total_energy, return make_fluid_state(cv=cv_outflow, gas_model=gas_model, temperature_seed=state_minus.temperature, smoothness_mu=state_minus.smoothness_mu, smoothness_kappa=state_minus.smoothness_kappa, smoothness_beta=state_minus.smoothness_beta)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return state.""" actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # boundary-normal velocity boundary_vel =, nhat)*nhat boundary_speed =, boundary_vel)) speed_of_sound = state_minus.speed_of_sound kinetic_energy = gas_model.eos.kinetic_energy( gamma = gas_model.eos.gamma(, state_minus.temperature) # evaluate internal energy based on prescribed pressure pressure_plus = self._pressure + if state_minus.is_mixture: gas_const = gas_model.eos.gas_const( temp_plus = (, speed_of_sound), state_minus.temperature, pressure_plus/(*gas_const))) internal_energy =*( gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temp_plus, state_minus.species_mass_fractions)) else: boundary_pressure = (, speed_of_sound), state_minus.pressure, pressure_plus)) internal_energy = boundary_pressure / (gamma - 1.0) cv_plus = make_conserved( state_minus.dim, mass=state_minus.mass_density, energy=kinetic_energy + internal_energy, momentum=state_minus.momentum_density, species_mass=state_minus.species_mass_density) return make_fluid_state(cv=cv_plus, gas_model=gas_model, temperature_seed=state_minus.temperature, smoothness_mu=state_minus.smoothness_mu, smoothness_kappa=state_minus.smoothness_kappa, smoothness_beta=state_minus.smoothness_beta)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get temperature value used in grad(T).""" return state_minus.temperature
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_cv_minus
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(temperature) to be used in viscous flux at wall.""" return grad_t_minus
[docs] class RiemannInflowBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Inflow boundary treatment. This class implements an Riemann invariant inflow boundary condition as described by [Mengaldo_2014]_. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__(self, cv, temperature): """Initialize the boundary condition object.""" self._cv_plus = cv self._t_plus = temperature
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the exterior solution on the boundary. This is the partially non-reflective boundary state described by [Mengaldo_2014]_ eqn. 40 if super-sonic, 41 if sub-sonic. """ actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) v_plus =, nhat) rho_plus = self._cv_plus.mass c_plus = gas_model.eos.sound_speed(self._cv_plus, self._t_plus) gamma_plus = gas_model.eos.gamma(self._cv_plus, self._t_plus) v_minus =, nhat) gamma_minus = gas_model.eos.gamma(, temperature=state_minus.temperature) c_minus = state_minus.speed_of_sound r_minus = v_plus - 2*c_plus/(gamma_plus - 1) # eqs. 17 and 19 r_plus_subsonic = v_minus + 2*c_minus/(gamma_minus - 1) r_plus_supersonic = v_plus + 2*c_plus/(gamma_plus - 1) r_plus =, c_minus), r_plus_supersonic, r_plus_subsonic) velocity_boundary = (r_minus + r_plus)/2 velocity_boundary = ( self._cv_plus.velocity + (velocity_boundary - v_plus)*nhat ) c_boundary = (gamma_plus - 1)*(r_plus - r_minus)/4 # isentropic relations, using minus state (Eq. 23 and 24) gamma_boundary = 1.0*gamma_plus entropy_boundary = \ c_plus**2/(gamma_boundary*rho_plus**(gamma_boundary-1)) rho_boundary = ( c_boundary**2/(gamma_boundary * entropy_boundary) )**(1.0/(gamma_plus-1.0)) # in the reference, Eq. 24 lacks the exponent. pressure_boundary = rho_boundary * c_boundary**2 / gamma_boundary if state_minus.is_mixture: y_plus = self._cv_plus.species_mass_fractions energy_boundary = rho_boundary * ( gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy(temperature=self._t_plus, species_mass_fractions=y_plus) + 0.5*, velocity_boundary)) species_mass_boundary = rho_boundary * y_plus else: energy_boundary = ( pressure_boundary / (gamma_boundary - 1) + 0.5*rho_boundary*, velocity_boundary)) # in case of passive scalars species_mass_boundary = \ rho_boundary * boundary_cv = make_conserved(dim=state_minus.dim, mass=rho_boundary, energy=energy_boundary, momentum=rho_boundary * velocity_boundary, species_mass=species_mass_boundary) return make_fluid_state(cv=boundary_cv, gas_model=gas_model, temperature_seed=state_minus.temperature, smoothness_mu=state_minus.smoothness_mu, smoothness_kappa=state_minus.smoothness_kappa, smoothness_beta=state_minus.smoothness_beta)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return BC fluid state.""" return self.state_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get temperature value used in grad(T).""" return state_minus.temperature
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_cv_minus
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(temperature) to be used in viscous flux at wall.""" return grad_t_minus
[docs] class RiemannOutflowBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Outflow boundary treatment. This class implements an Riemann invariant for outflow boundary as described by [Mengaldo_2014]_. Note that the "minus" and "plus" are different from the reference to the current Mirge-COM definition. This boundary condition assume isentropic flow, so the regions where it can be applied are not general. Far-field regions are adequate, but not viscous-dominated regions of the flow (such as a boundary layer). .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__(self, cv, temperature): """Initialize the boundary condition object.""" self._cv_plus = cv self._t_plus = temperature from warnings import warn warn("Using RiemannOutflowBoundary is not recommended.", stacklevel=2)
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get the exterior solution on the boundary. This is the Riemann Invariant Boundary Condition described by [Mengaldo_2014]_ in eqs. 8 to 18. """ actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) v_plus =, nhat) c_plus = gas_model.eos.sound_speed(self._cv_plus, self._t_plus) gamma_plus = gas_model.eos.gamma(self._cv_plus, self._t_plus) rho_minus = state_minus.mass_density v_minus =, nhat) c_minus = state_minus.speed_of_sound gamma_minus = gas_model.eos.gamma(, temperature=state_minus.temperature) # eqs 17 and 27 r_plus = v_plus - 2.0*c_plus/(gamma_plus - 1.0) r_minus_subsonic = v_minus + 2.0*c_minus/(gamma_minus - 1.0) r_minus_supersonic = v_minus - 2.0*c_minus/(gamma_minus - 1.0) r_minus =, c_minus), r_minus_supersonic, r_minus_subsonic) velocity_boundary = (r_minus + r_plus)/2.0 velocity_boundary = ( state_minus.velocity + (velocity_boundary - v_minus)*nhat ) gamma_boundary = 1.0*gamma_minus c_boundary = (gamma_minus - 1.0)*(r_minus - r_plus)/4.0 # isentropic relations, using minus state (Eq. 24 and 29) entropy_boundary = \ c_minus**2/(gamma_boundary*rho_minus**(gamma_boundary-1.0)) rho_boundary = ( c_boundary**2/(gamma_boundary * entropy_boundary) )**(1.0/(gamma_minus-1.0)) # in the reference, Eq. 24 lacks the exponent. pressure_boundary = rho_boundary*c_boundary**2/gamma_boundary if state_minus.is_mixture: # using gas constant based on state_minus species gas_const = gas_model.eos.gas_const( temperature_boundary = pressure_boundary/(gas_const*rho_boundary) energy_boundary = rho_boundary * ( gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature_boundary, + 0.5*, velocity_boundary)) else: energy_boundary = ( pressure_boundary / (gamma_boundary - 1) + 0.5*rho_boundary*, velocity_boundary)) # extrapolate species species_mass_boundary = rho_boundary * state_minus.species_mass_fractions boundary_cv = make_conserved(dim=state_minus.dim, mass=rho_boundary, energy=energy_boundary, momentum=rho_boundary*velocity_boundary, species_mass=species_mass_boundary) return make_fluid_state(cv=boundary_cv, gas_model=gas_model, temperature_seed=state_minus.temperature, smoothness_mu=state_minus.smoothness_mu, smoothness_kappa=state_minus.smoothness_kappa, smoothness_beta=state_minus.smoothness_beta)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return BC fluid state.""" return self.state_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get temperature value used in grad(T).""" return state_minus.temperature
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_cv_minus
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(temperature) to be used in viscous flux at wall.""" return grad_t_minus
[docs] class IsothermalSlipWallBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Isothermal viscous slip wall boundary. This class implements an isothermal slip wall consistent with the prescription by [Mengaldo_2014]_. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc .. automethod:: state_plus """
[docs] def __init__(self, wall_temperature=300): """Initialize the boundary condition object.""" self._wall_temp = wall_temperature self._slip = _SlipBoundaryComponent() self._impermeable = _ImpermeableBoundaryComponent()
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get temperature value used in grad(T).""" actx = state_minus.array_context wall_temp = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._wall_temp) return + wall_temp
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return BC fluid state.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) nhat = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) mom_bc = self._slip.momentum_bc(state_minus.momentum_density, nhat) t_bc = self.temperature_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs) internal_energy_bc = gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature=t_bc, species_mass_fractions=state_minus.species_mass_fractions) total_energy_bc = ( state_minus.mass_density * internal_energy_bc + 0.5*, mom_bc)/state_minus.mass_density) return replace_fluid_state( state_minus, gas_model, energy=total_energy_bc, momentum=mom_bc)
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux. Specify the velocity gradients on the external state to ensure zero energy and momentum flux due to shear stresses. Gradients of species mass fractions are set to zero in the normal direction to ensure zero flux of species across the boundary. """ dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) state_bc = self.state_bc( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) grad_v_bc = self._slip.grad_velocity_bc( state_minus, state_bc, grad_cv_minus, normal) grad_mom_bc = ( state_bc.mass_density * grad_v_bc + np.outer(state_bc.velocity, grad_cv_minus.mass)) grad_species_mass_bc = self._impermeable.grad_species_mass_bc( state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal) return grad_cv_minus.replace( momentum=grad_mom_bc, species_mass=grad_species_mass_bc)
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return BC on grad(temperature).""" # Mengaldo Eqns (50-51) return grad_t_minus
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return state with reflected normal-component velocity.""" actx = state_minus.array_context # Grab a unit normal to the boundary nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # set the normal momentum to 0 mom_plus = self._slip.momentum_plus(state_minus.momentum_density, nhat) return replace_fluid_state(state_minus, gas_model, momentum=mom_plus)
[docs] class IsothermalWallBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Isothermal viscous wall boundary. This class implements an isothermal no-slip wall consistent with the prescription by [Mengaldo_2014]_. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc .. automethod:: state_plus """
[docs] def __init__(self, wall_temperature=300): """Initialize the boundary condition object.""" self._wall_temp = wall_temperature self._no_slip = _NoSlipBoundaryComponent() self._impermeable = _ImpermeableBoundaryComponent()
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get temperature value used in grad(T).""" actx = state_minus.array_context wall_temp = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._wall_temp) return + wall_temp
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return BC fluid state.""" # Mengaldo Eqn (48) dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) mom_bc = self._no_slip.momentum_bc(state_minus.momentum_density) t_bc = self.temperature_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs) internal_energy_bc = gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature=t_bc, species_mass_fractions=state_minus.species_mass_fractions) # Velocity is pinned to 0 here, no kinetic energy total_energy_bc = state_minus.mass_density*internal_energy_bc return replace_fluid_state( state_minus, gas_model, energy=total_energy_bc, momentum=mom_bc)
[docs] def grad_cv_bc( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" grad_species_mass_bc = self._impermeable.grad_species_mass_bc( state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal) return grad_cv_minus.replace(species_mass=grad_species_mass_bc)
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return BC on grad(temperature).""" # Mengaldo Eqns (50-51) return grad_t_minus
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return fluid state to use in calculation of inviscid flux.""" # Mengaldo Eqn (45) mom_plus = self._no_slip.momentum_plus(state_minus.momentum_density) return replace_fluid_state(state_minus, gas_model, momentum=mom_plus)
[docs] class AdiabaticNoslipWallBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Adiabatic viscous wall boundary. This class implements an adiabatic no-slip wall consistent with the prescription by [Mengaldo_2014]_. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize the BC object.""" self._no_slip = _NoSlipBoundaryComponent() self._impermeable = _ImpermeableBoundaryComponent() self._adiabatic = _AdiabaticBoundaryComponent()
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Get temperature value used in grad(T).""" return state_minus.temperature
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return state with zero-velocity.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) mom_plus = self._no_slip.momentum_plus(state_minus.momentum_density) return replace_fluid_state(state_minus, gas_model, momentum=mom_plus)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return state with zero-velocity.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) mom_bc = self._no_slip.momentum_bc(state_minus.momentum_density) t_bc = self.temperature_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus) internal_energy_bc = gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature=t_bc, species_mass_fractions=state_minus.species_mass_fractions) # Velocity is pinned to 0 here, no kinetic energy total_energy_bc = state_minus.mass_density*internal_energy_bc return replace_fluid_state( state_minus, gas_model, energy=total_energy_bc, momentum=mom_bc)
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) normal = state_minus.array_context.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) grad_species_mass_bc = self._impermeable.grad_species_mass_bc( state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal) return grad_cv_minus.replace(species_mass=grad_species_mass_bc)
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(temperature) to be used in viscous flux at wall.""" return self._adiabatic.grad_temperature_bc(grad_t_minus, normal)
[docs] class LinearizedOutflowBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Characteristics outflow BCs for linearized Euler equations. Implement non-reflecting outflow based on characteristic variables for the Euler equations assuming small perturbations based on [Giles_1988]_. The implementation assumes an uniform, steady flow in which the Euler equations are linearized about, yielding .. math:: \frac{\partial U}{\partial t} + A \frac{\partial U}{\partial x} + B \frac{\partial U}{\partial y} = 0 where U is the vector of perturbation (primitive) variables and the coefficient matrices A and B are constant matrices based on the uniform, steady variables. Using the linear hyperbolic system theory, this equation can be further simplified by ignoring the y-axis terms (tangent) such that wave propagation occurs only along the x-axis direction (normal). Then, the eigendecomposition results in a orthogonal system where the wave have characteristic directions of propagations and enable the creation of non-reflecting outflow boundaries. This can also be applied for Navier-Stokes equations in regions where viscous effects are not dominant, such as the far-field. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__( self, free_stream_state=None, free_stream_density=None, free_stream_velocity=None, free_stream_pressure=None, free_stream_species_mass_fractions=None): """Initialize the BC object.""" if free_stream_state is None: self._ref_mass = free_stream_density self._ref_velocity = free_stream_velocity self._ref_pressure = free_stream_pressure self._spec_mass_fracs = free_stream_species_mass_fractions else: self._ref_mass = self._ref_velocity = free_stream_state.velocity self._ref_pressure = free_stream_state.pressure self._spec_mass_fracs = if self._ref_velocity.shape[0] > 2: raise ValueError("This BC only supports 1 or 2-dimensional inputs.") if free_stream_species_mass_fractions is None: from warnings import warn warn("Species mass fractions set to None; " "using internal values.", stacklevel=2)
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Non-reflecting outflow.""" dim = state_minus.dim actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) rtilde = - self._ref_mass utilde = state_minus.velocity - self._ref_velocity ptilde = state_minus.dv.pressure - self._ref_pressure rotation_matrix = _get_rotation_matrix(nhat) ur_tilde = rotation_matrix@utilde a = state_minus.speed_of_sound # zero-out the last, out-going characteristic variable c1 = -rtilde*a**2 + ptilde c3 = self._ref_mass*a*ur_tilde[0] + ptilde c4 = 0.0 # -self._ref_mass*a*un_tilde + ptilde r_tilde_bnd = 1.0/(a**2)*(-c1 + 0.5*c3 + 0.5*c4) un_tilde_bnd = 1.0/(self._ref_mass*a)*(0.5*c3 - 0.5*c4) p_tilde_bnd = 0.5*c3 + 0.5*c4 if dim == 1: velocity = self._ref_velocity + un_tilde_bnd else: c2 = self._ref_mass*a*ur_tilde[1] ut_tilde_bnd = 1.0/(self._ref_mass*a)*c2 ur_tilde_bnd = make_obj_array([un_tilde_bnd, ut_tilde_bnd]) velocity = self._ref_velocity + rotation_matrix.T@ur_tilde_bnd mass = r_tilde_bnd + self._ref_mass pressure = p_tilde_bnd + self._ref_pressure if self._spec_mass_fracs is None: species_mass_fracs = else: species_mass_fracs = self._spec_mass_fracs kin_energy = 0.5*mass*, velocity) if state_minus.is_mixture: gas_const = gas_model.eos.gas_const( species_mass_fractions=species_mass_fracs) temperature = pressure/(mass*gas_const) int_energy = mass*gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature, species_mass_fracs) else: int_energy = pressure/(gas_model.eos.gamma() - 1.0) boundary_cv = make_conserved(dim=dim, mass=mass, energy=kin_energy + int_energy, momentum=mass*velocity, species_mass=mass*species_mass_fracs) return make_fluid_state(cv=boundary_cv, gas_model=gas_model, temperature_seed=state_minus.temperature, smoothness_mu=state_minus.smoothness_mu, smoothness_kappa=state_minus.smoothness_kappa, smoothness_beta=state_minus.smoothness_beta)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return BC fluid state.""" return self.state_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return temperature for use in grad(temperature).""" return state_minus.temperature
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(T) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_t_minus
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) to be used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_cv_minus
[docs] class LinearizedInflowBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r"""Characteristics inflow BCs for linearized Euler equations. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__( self, free_stream_state=None, free_stream_velocity=None, free_stream_pressure=None, free_stream_density=None, free_stream_species_mass_fractions=None): """Initialize the BC object.""" if free_stream_state is None: self._ref_mass = free_stream_density self._ref_velocity = free_stream_velocity self._ref_pressure = free_stream_pressure self._spec_mass_fracs = free_stream_species_mass_fractions else: self._ref_mass = self._ref_velocity = free_stream_state.velocity self._ref_pressure = free_stream_state.pressure self._spec_mass_fracs = if self._ref_velocity.shape[0] > 2: raise ValueError("This BC only supports 1 or 2-dimensional inputs.") if free_stream_species_mass_fractions is None: self._spec_mass_fracs = np.empty((0,), dtype=object)
[docs] def state_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Non-reflecting inflow.""" actx = state_minus.array_context nhat = -1.0*actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # rtilde = - self._ref_mass utilde = state_minus.velocity - self._ref_velocity ptilde = state_minus.dv.pressure - self._ref_pressure # get the normal component of velocity. The tangential is not required. un_tilde = utilde@nhat a = state_minus.speed_of_sound # zero-out the first three, incoming characteristics c1 = 0.0 # -rtilde*a**2 + ptilde c2 = 0.0 # self._ref_mass*a*ut_tilde # noqa c3 = 0.0 # self._ref_mass*a*un_tilde + ptilde c4 = -1.0*self._ref_mass*a*un_tilde + ptilde r_tilde_bnd = 1.0/(a**2)*(-c1 + 0.5*c3 + 0.5*c4) un_tilde_bnd = 1.0/(self._ref_mass*a)*(0.5*c3 - 0.5*c4) # ut_tilde_bnd = 1.0/(self._ref_mass*a)*c2 p_tilde_bnd = 0.5*c3 + 0.5*c4 mass = r_tilde_bnd + self._ref_mass velocity = self._ref_velocity + un_tilde_bnd*nhat pressure = p_tilde_bnd + self._ref_pressure kin_energy = 0.5*mass*, velocity) if state_minus.is_mixture: gas_const = gas_model.eos.gas_const( species_mass_fractions=self._spec_mass_fracs) temperature = self._ref_pressure/(self._ref_mass*gas_const) int_energy = mass*gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature, self._spec_mass_fracs) else: int_energy = pressure/(gas_model.eos.gamma() - 1.0) boundary_cv = make_conserved(dim=state_minus.dim, mass=mass, energy=kin_energy + int_energy, momentum=mass*velocity, species_mass=mass*self._spec_mass_fracs) return make_fluid_state(cv=boundary_cv, gas_model=gas_model, temperature_seed=state_minus.temperature)
[docs] def state_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return BC fluid state.""" return self.state_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): """Return temperature for use in grad(temperature).""" return state_minus.temperature
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(T) used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_t_minus
[docs] def grad_cv_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): """Return grad(CV) used in the boundary calculation of viscous flux.""" return grad_cv_minus