Source code for mirgecom.initializers

:mod:`mirgecom.initializers` helps intialize and compute flow solution fields.

Solution Initializers
.. autoclass:: Vortex2D
.. autoclass:: SodShock1D
.. autoclass:: DoubleMachReflection
.. autoclass:: Lump
.. autoclass:: MulticomponentLump
.. autoclass:: MulticomponentTrig
.. autoclass:: AcousticPulse
.. autoclass:: Uniform
.. autoclass:: MixtureInitializer
.. autoclass:: PlanarDiscontinuity
.. autoclass:: PlanarPoiseuille
.. autoclass:: ShearFlow
.. autoclass:: InviscidTaylorGreenVortex

State Initializers
.. autofunction:: initialize_flow_solution

Initialization Utilities
.. autofunction:: make_pulse

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import numpy as np
from pytools.obj_array import make_obj_array
from mirgecom.eos import IdealSingleGas
from mirgecom.fluid import make_conserved

[docs] def initialize_flow_solution(actx, coords, gas_model=None, eos=None, pressure=None, temperature=None, density=None, velocity=None, species_mass_fractions=None): """Create a fluid CV from a set of minimal input data.""" state_spec = [pressure is None, temperature is None, density is None] if sum(state_spec) != 1: raise ValueError("Must provide 2 of (pressure, temperature, density).") dim = coords.shape[0] zeros = coords[0]*0.0 if velocity is None: velocity = np.zeros(dim,) if pressure is None: pressure = eos.get_pressure(density, temperature, species_mass_fractions) if temperature is None: gas_const = eos.gas_const(species_mass_fractions=species_mass_fractions) temperature = pressure/(density*gas_const) if density is None: density = eos.get_density(pressure, temperature, species_mass_fractions) momentum = density*velocity energy = density*(eos.get_internal_energy(temperature, species_mass_fractions) + 0.5*, velocity)) if species_mass_fractions is None: species_mass = None else: nspecies = len(species_mass_fractions) species_mass = make_obj_array([density*species_mass_fractions[i] + zeros for i in range(nspecies)]) return make_conserved(dim=dim, mass=density + zeros, energy=energy + zeros, momentum=momentum + zeros, species_mass=species_mass)
[docs] def make_pulse(amp, r0, w, r): r"""Create a Gaussian pulse. The Gaussian pulse is defined by: .. math:: G(\mathbf{r}) = a_0*\exp^{-(\frac{(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_0)}{\sqrt{2}w})^{2}}, where $\mathbf{r}$ is the position, and the parameters are the pulse amplitude $a_0$, the pulse location $\mathbf{r}_0$, and the rms width of the pulse, $w$. Parameters ---------- amp: float specifies the value of $a_0$, the pulse amplitude r0: numpy.ndarray specifies the value of $\mathbf{r}_0$, the pulse location w: float specifies the value of $w$, the rms pulse width r: numpy.ndarray specifies the nodal coordinates Returns ------- G: numpy.ndarray The values of the exponential function """ dim = len(r) r_0 = np.zeros(dim) r_0 = r_0 + r0 # coordinates relative to pulse center rel_center = make_obj_array( [r[i] - r_0[i] for i in range(dim)] ) actx = r[0].array_context rms2 = w * w r2 =, rel_center) / rms2 return amp * * r2)
[docs] class Vortex2D: r"""Initializer for the isentropic vortex solution. Implements the isentropic vortex after - [Zhou_2003]_ - [Hesthaven_2008]_, Section 6.6 The isentropic vortex is defined by: .. math:: u &= u_0 - \beta\exp^{(1-r^2)}\frac{y - y_0}{2\pi}\\ v &= v_0 + \beta\exp^{(1-r^2)}\frac{x - x_0}{2\pi}\\ \rho &= ( 1 - (\frac{\gamma - 1}{16\gamma\pi^2})\beta^2 \exp^{2(1-r^2)})^{\frac{1}{\gamma-1}}\\ p &= \rho^{\gamma} A call to this object after creation/init creates the isentropic vortex solution at a given time (t) relative to the configured origin (center) and background flow velocity (velocity). .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, beta=5, center=(0, 0), velocity=(0, 0)): """Initialize vortex parameters. Parameters ---------- beta: float vortex amplitude center: numpy.ndarray center of vortex, shape ``(2,)`` velocity: numpy.ndarray fixed flow velocity used for exact solution at t != 0, shape ``(2,)`` """ self._beta = beta self._center = np.array(center) self._velocity = np.array(velocity)
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, *, time=0, eos=None, **kwargs): """ Create the isentropic vortex solution at time *t* at locations *x_vec*. The solution at time *t* is created by advecting the vortex under the assumption of user-supplied constant, uniform velocity (``Vortex2D._velocity``). Parameters ---------- time: float Current time at which the solution is desired. x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: mirgecom.eos.IdealSingleGas Equation of state class to supply method for gas *gamma*. """ t = time if eos is None: eos = IdealSingleGas() vortex_loc = self._center + t * self._velocity # coordinates relative to vortex center x_rel = x_vec[0] - vortex_loc[0] y_rel = x_vec[1] - vortex_loc[1] actx = x_vec[0].array_context gamma = eos.gamma() r = ** 2 + y_rel ** 2) expterm = self._beta * - r ** 2) u = self._velocity[0] - expterm * y_rel / (2 * np.pi) v = self._velocity[1] + expterm * x_rel / (2 * np.pi) velocity = make_obj_array([u, v]) mass = (1 - (gamma - 1) / (16 * gamma * np.pi ** 2) * expterm ** 2) ** (1 / (gamma - 1)) momentum = mass * velocity p = mass ** gamma energy = p / (gamma - 1) + mass / 2 * (u ** 2 + v ** 2) return make_conserved(dim=2, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=momentum)
[docs] class SodShock1D: r"""Solution initializer for the 1D Sod Shock. This is Sod's 1D shock solution as explained in [Hesthaven_2008]_, Section 5.9 The Sod Shock setup is defined by: .. math:: {\rho}(x < x_0, 0) &= \rho_l\\ {\rho}(x > x_0, 0) &= \rho_r\\ {\rho}{V_x}(x, 0) &= 0\\ {\rho}E(x < x_0, 0) &= \frac{1}{\gamma - 1}\\ {\rho}E(x > x_0, 0) &= \frac{.1}{\gamma - 1} A call to this object after creation/init creates Sod's shock solution at a given time (t) relative to the configured origin (center) and background flow velocity (velocity). .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, dim=1, xdir=0, x0=0.5, rhol=1.0, rhor=0.125, pleft=1.0, pright=0.1): """Initialize shock parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int dimension of domain x0: float location of shock rhol: float density to left of shock rhor: float density to right of shock pleft: float pressure to left of shock pright: float pressure to right of shock """ self._x0 = x0 self._rhol = rhol self._rhor = rhor self._pl = pleft self._pr = pright self._dim = dim self._xdir = xdir if self._xdir >= self._dim: self._xdir = self._dim - 1
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, *, eos=None, **kwargs): """Create the 1D Sod's shock solution at locations *x_vec*. Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.IdealSingleGas` Equation of state class with method to supply gas *gamma*. """ if eos is None: eos = IdealSingleGas() gm1 = eos.gamma() - 1.0 gmn1 = 1.0 / gm1 x = x_vec[self._xdir] actx = x.array_context zeros = rhor = zeros + self._rhor rhol = zeros + self._rhol x0 = zeros + self._x0 energyl = zeros + gmn1 * self._pl energyr = zeros + gmn1 * self._pr sigma = 1e-13 weight = 0.5 * (1.0 - * (x - x0))) mass = rhor + (rhol - rhor)*weight energy = energyr + (energyl - energyr)*weight momentum = make_obj_array([1.*zeros for _ in range(self._dim)]) return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=momentum)
[docs] class DoubleMachReflection: r"""Implement the double shock reflection problem. The double shock reflection solution is crafted after [Woodward_1984]_ and is defined by: .. math:: {\rho}(x < x_s(y,t)) &= \gamma \rho_j\\ {\rho}(x > x_s(y,t)) &= \gamma\\ {\rho}{V_x}(x < x_s(y,t)) &= u_p \cos(\pi/6)\\ {\rho}{V_x}(x > x_s(y,t)) &= 0\\ {\rho}{V_y}(x > x_s(y,t)) &= u_p \sin(\pi/6)\\ {\rho}{V_y}(x > x_s(y,t)) &= 0\\ {\rho}E(x < x_s(y,t)) &= (\gamma-1)p_j\\ {\rho}E(x > x_s(y,t)) &= (\gamma-1), where the shock position is given, .. math:: x_s = x_0 + y/\sqrt{3} + 2 u_s t/\sqrt{3} and the normal shock jump relations are .. math:: \rho_j &= \frac{(\gamma + 1) u_s^2}{(\gamma-1) u_s^2 + 2} \\ p_j &= \frac{2 \gamma u_s^2 - (\gamma - 1)}{\gamma+1} \\ u_p &= 2 \frac{u_s^2-1}{(\gamma+1) u_s} The initial shock location is given by $x_0$ and $u_s$ is the shock speed. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, shock_location=1.0/6.0, shock_speed=4.0, shock_sigma=0.05): """Initialize double shock reflection parameters. Parameters ---------- shock_location: float initial location of shock shock_speed: float shock speed, Mach number shock_sigma: float initial condition sharpness """ self._shock_location = shock_location self._shock_speed = shock_speed self._shock_sigma = shock_sigma
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, *, eos=None, time=0, **kwargs): r"""Create double mach reflection solution at locations *x_vec*. At times $t > 0$, calls to this routine create an advanced solution under the assumption of constant normal shock speed *shock_speed*. The advanced solution *is not* the exact solution, but is appropriate for use as a boundary solution on the top and upstream (left) side of the domain. Parameters ---------- time: float Time at which to compute the solution x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.GasEOS` Equation of state class to be used in construction of soln (if needed) """ t = time # Fail if numdim is other than 2 if len(x_vec) != 2: raise ValueError("Case only defined for 2 dimensions") if eos is None: eos = IdealSingleGas() gm1 = eos.gamma() - 1.0 gp1 = eos.gamma() + 1.0 gmn1 = 1.0 / gm1 x_rel = x_vec[0] y_rel = x_vec[1] actx = x_rel.array_context # Normal Shock Relations shock_speed_2 = self._shock_speed * self._shock_speed rho_jump = gp1 * shock_speed_2 / (gm1 * shock_speed_2 + 2.) p_jump = (2. * eos.gamma() * shock_speed_2 - gm1) / gp1 up = 2. * (shock_speed_2 - 1.) / (gp1 * self._shock_speed) rhol = eos.gamma() * rho_jump rhor = eos.gamma() ul = up * np.cos(np.pi/6.0) ur = 0.0 vl = - up * np.sin(np.pi/6.0) vr = 0.0 rhoel = gmn1 * p_jump rhoer = gmn1 * 1.0 xinter = (self._shock_location + y_rel/np.sqrt(3.0) + 2.0*self._shock_speed*t/np.sqrt(3.0)) sigma = self._shock_sigma xtanh = 1.0/sigma*(x_rel-xinter) mass = rhol/2.0*(*( rhoe = (rhoel/2.0*( + rhoer/2.0*( u = ul/2.0*(*( v = vl/2.0*(*( vel = make_obj_array([u, v]) mom = mass * vel energy = rhoe + .5*mass*, vel) return make_conserved(dim=2, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom)
[docs] class Lump: r"""Solution initializer for N-dimensional Gaussian lump of mass. The Gaussian lump is defined by: .. math:: {\rho} &= {\rho}_{0} + {\rho}_{a}\exp^{(1-r^{2})}\\ {\rho}\mathbf{V} &= {\rho}\mathbf{V}_0\\ {\rho}E &= \frac{p_0}{(\gamma - 1)} + \frac{1}{2}\rho{|V_0|}^2, where $\mathbf{V}_0$ is the fixed velocity specified by the user at init time, and $\gamma$ is taken from the equation-of-state object (eos). A call to this object after creation/init creates the lump solution at a given time (t) relative to the configured origin (center) and background flow velocity (velocity). This object also supplies the exact expected RHS terms from the analytic expression through :meth:`exact_rhs`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ .. automethod:: exact_rhs """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, dim=1, rho0=1.0, rhoamp=1.0, p0=1.0, center=None, velocity=None): r"""Initialize Lump parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int specify the number of dimensions for the lump rho0: float specifies the value of $\rho_0$ rhoamp: float specifies the value of $\rho_a$ p0: float specifies the value of $p_0$ center: numpy.ndarray center of lump, shape ``(2,)`` velocity: numpy.ndarray fixed flow velocity used for exact solution at t != 0, shape ``(2,)`` """ if center is None: center = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if velocity is None: velocity = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) dimmsg = f"is expected to be {dim}-dimensional" if center.shape != (dim,): raise ValueError(f"Lump center {dimmsg}.") if velocity.shape != (dim,): raise ValueError(f"Lump velocity {dimmsg}.") self._dim = dim self._velocity = velocity self._center = center self._p0 = p0 self._rho0 = rho0 self._rhoamp = rhoamp
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, *, eos=None, time=0, **kwargs): """Create the lump-of-mass solution at time *t* and locations *x_vec*. The solution at time *t* is created by advecting the mass lump under the assumption of constant, uniform velocity (``Lump._velocity``). Parameters ---------- time: float Current time at which the solution is desired x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.IdealSingleGas` Equation of state class with method to supply gas *gamma*. """ t = time if eos is None: eos = IdealSingleGas() if x_vec.shape != (self._dim,): raise ValueError(f"Position vector has unexpected dimensionality," f" expected {self._dim}.") amplitude = self._rhoamp lump_loc = self._center + t * self._velocity # coordinates relative to lump center rel_center = make_obj_array( [x_vec[i] - lump_loc[i] for i in range(self._dim)] ) actx = x_vec[0].array_context r =, rel_center)) expterm = amplitude * - r ** 2) mass = expterm + self._rho0 gamma = eos.gamma() mom = self._velocity * mass energy = (self._p0 / (gamma - 1.0)) +, mom) / (2.0 * mass) return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom)
[docs] def exact_rhs(self, dcoll, cv, time=0.0): """ Create the RHS for the lump-of-mass solution at time *t*, locations *x_vec*. The RHS at time *t* is created by advecting the mass lump under the assumption of constant, uniform velocity (``Lump._velocity``). Parameters ---------- cv: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` Array with the conserved quantities time: float Time at which RHS is desired """ t = time actx = cv.array_context nodes = actx.thaw(dcoll.nodes()) lump_loc = self._center + t * self._velocity # coordinates relative to lump center rel_center = make_obj_array( [nodes[i] - lump_loc[i] for i in range(self._dim)] ) r =, rel_center)) # The expected rhs is: # rhorhs = -2*rho*( # rhoerhs = -rho*v^2*( # rhovrhs = -2*rho*(*v expterm = self._rhoamp * - r ** 2) mass = expterm + self._rho0 v = self._velocity / mass v2 =, v) rdotv =, v) massrhs = -2 * rdotv * mass energyrhs = -v2 * rdotv * mass momrhs = v * (-2 * mass * rdotv) return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=massrhs, energy=energyrhs, momentum=momrhs)
[docs] class MulticomponentLump: r"""Solution initializer for multi-component N-dimensional Gaussian lump of mass. The Gaussian lump is defined by: .. math:: \rho &= 1.0\\ {\rho}\mathbf{V} &= {\rho}\mathbf{V}_0\\ {\rho}E &= \frac{p_0}{(\gamma - 1)} + \frac{1}{2}\rho{|V_0|}^{2}\\ {\rho~Y_\alpha} &= {\rho~Y_\alpha}_{0} + {a_\alpha}{e}^{({c_\alpha}-{r_\alpha})^2}, where $\mathbf{V}_0$ is the fixed velocity specified by the user at init time, and $\gamma$ is taken from the equation-of-state object (eos). The user-specified vector of initial values (${{Y}_\alpha}_0$) for the mass fraction of each species, *spec_y0s*, and $a_\alpha$ is the user-specified vector of amplitudes for each species, *spec_amplitudes*, and $c_\alpha$ is the user-specified origin for each species, *spec_centers*. A call to this object after creation/init creates the lump solution at a given time (*t*) relative to the configured origin (*center*) and background flow velocity (*velocity*). This object also supplies the exact expected RHS terms from the analytic expression via :meth:`exact_rhs`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ .. automethod:: exact_rhs """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, dim=1, nspecies=0, rho0=1.0, p0=1.0, center=None, velocity=None, spec_y0s=None, spec_amplitudes=None, spec_centers=None, sigma=1.0): r"""Initialize MulticomponentLump parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int specify the number of dimensions for the lump rho0: float specifies the value of $\rho_0$ p0: float specifies the value of $p_0$ center: numpy.ndarray center of lump, shape ``(dim,)`` velocity: numpy.ndarray fixed flow velocity used for exact solution at t != 0, shape ``(dim,)`` sigma: float std deviation of the gaussian """ if center is None: center = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if velocity is None: velocity = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if center.shape != (dim,) or velocity.shape != (dim,): raise ValueError(f"Expected {dim}-dimensional vector inputs.") if spec_y0s is None: spec_y0s = np.ones(shape=(nspecies,)) if spec_centers is None: spec_centers = make_obj_array([np.zeros(shape=dim,) for i in range(nspecies)]) if spec_amplitudes is None: spec_amplitudes = np.ones(shape=(nspecies,)) if len(spec_y0s) != nspecies or\ len(spec_amplitudes) != nspecies or\ len(spec_centers) != nspecies: raise ValueError(f"Expected nspecies={nspecies} inputs.") for i in range(nspecies): if len(spec_centers[i]) != dim: raise ValueError(f"Expected {dim}-dimensional " f"inputs for spec_centers.") self._nspecies = nspecies self._dim = dim self._velocity = velocity self._center = center self._p0 = p0 self._rho0 = rho0 self._spec_y0s = spec_y0s self._spec_centers = spec_centers self._spec_amplitudes = spec_amplitudes self._sigma = sigma
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, *, eos=None, time=0, **kwargs): """ Create a multi-component lump solution at time *t* and locations *x_vec*. The solution at time *t* is created by advecting the component mass lump at the user-specified constant, uniform velocity (``MulticomponentLump._velocity``). Parameters ---------- time: float Current time at which the solution is desired x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.IdealSingleGas` Equation of state class with method to supply gas *gamma*. """ t = time if eos is None: eos = IdealSingleGas() if x_vec.shape != (self._dim,): print(f"len(x_vec) = {len(x_vec)}") print(f"self._dim = {self._dim}") raise ValueError(f"Expected {self._dim}-dimensional inputs.") actx = x_vec[0].array_context loc_update = t * self._velocity gamma = eos.gamma() mass = 0 * x_vec[0] + self._rho0 mom = self._velocity * mass energy = (self._p0 / (gamma - 1.0)) +, mom) / (2.0 * mass) # process the species components independently species_mass = np.empty((self._nspecies,), dtype=object) for i in range(self._nspecies): lump_loc = self._spec_centers[i] + loc_update rel_pos = x_vec - lump_loc r2 =, rel_pos)/(self._sigma**2) expterm = self._spec_amplitudes[i] **r2) species_mass[i] = self._rho0 * (self._spec_y0s[i] + expterm) return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom, species_mass=species_mass)
[docs] def exact_rhs(self, dcoll, cv, time=0.0): """ Create a RHS for multi-component lump soln at time *t*, locations *x_vec*. The RHS at time *t* is created by advecting the species mass lump at the user-specified constant, uniform velocity (``MulticomponentLump._velocity``). Parameters ---------- cv: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` Array with the conserved quantities time: float Time at which RHS is desired """ t = time actx = cv.array_context nodes = actx.thaw(dcoll.nodes()) loc_update = t * self._velocity mass = 0 * nodes[0] + self._rho0 mom = self._velocity * mass v = mom / mass massrhs = 0 * mass energyrhs = 0 * mass momrhs = 0 * mom # process the species components independently specrhs = np.empty((self._nspecies,), dtype=object) for i in range(self._nspecies): lump_loc = self._spec_centers[i] + loc_update rel_pos = nodes - lump_loc r2 =, rel_pos)/self._sigma**2 expterm = self._spec_amplitudes[i] **r2) specrhs[i] = self._rho0 * expterm *, v) / self._sigma**2 return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=massrhs, energy=energyrhs, momentum=momrhs, species_mass=specrhs)
[docs] class MulticomponentTrig: r"""Initializer for trig-distributed species fractions. The trig lump is defined by: .. math:: \rho &= 1.0\\ {\rho}\mathbf{V} &= {\rho}\mathbf{V}_0\\ {\rho}E &= \frac{p_0}{(\gamma - 1)} + \frac{1}{2}\rho{|V_0|}^{2}\\ {\rho~Y_\alpha} &= {\rho~Y_\alpha}_{0} + {a_\alpha}\sin{\omega(\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{v}t)}, where $\mathbf{V}_0$ is the fixed velocity specified by the user at init time, and $\gamma$ is taken from the equation-of-state object (eos). The user-specified vector of initial values (${{Y}_\alpha}_0$) for the mass fraction of each species, *spec_y0s*, and $a_\alpha$ is the user-specified vector of amplitudes for each species, *spec_amplitudes*, and $c_\alpha$ is the user-specified origin for each species, *spec_centers*. A call to this object after creation/init creates the trig solution at a given time (*t*) relative to the configured origin (*center*), wave_vector k, and background flow velocity (*velocity*). .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, dim=1, nspecies=0, rho0=1.0, p0=1.0, gamma=1.4, center=None, velocity=None, spec_y0s=None, spec_amplitudes=None, spec_centers=None, spec_omegas=None, spec_diffusivities=None, wave_vector=None, trig_function=None): r"""Initialize MulticomponentLump parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int specify the number of dimensions for the lump rho0: float specifies the value of $\rho_0$ p0: float specifies the value of $p_0$ center: numpy.ndarray center of lump, shape ``(dim,)`` velocity: numpy.ndarray fixed flow velocity used for exact solution at t != 0, shape ``(dim,)`` wave_vector: numpy.ndarray optional fixed vector indicating normal direction of wave trig_function callable trig function """ if center is None: center = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if velocity is None: velocity = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if center.shape != (dim,) or velocity.shape != (dim,): raise ValueError(f"Expected {dim}-dimensional vector inputs.") if spec_y0s is None: spec_y0s = 2.0*np.ones(shape=(nspecies,)) if spec_centers is None: spec_centers = make_obj_array([np.zeros(shape=dim,) for i in range(nspecies)]) if spec_omegas is None: spec_omegas = 2.*np.pi*np.ones(shape=(nspecies,)) if spec_amplitudes is None: spec_amplitudes = np.ones(shape=(nspecies,)) if spec_diffusivities is None: spec_diffusivities = np.ones(shape=(nspecies,)) if wave_vector is None: wave_vector = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) wave_vector[0] = 1 import mirgecom.math as mm if trig_function is None: trig_function = mm.sin if len(spec_y0s) != nspecies or\ len(spec_amplitudes) != nspecies or\ len(spec_centers) != nspecies: raise ValueError(f"Expected nspecies={nspecies} inputs.") for i in range(nspecies): if len(spec_centers[i]) != dim: raise ValueError(f"Expected {dim}-dimensional " f"inputs for spec_centers.") self._nspecies = nspecies self._dim = dim self._velocity = velocity self._center = center self._p0 = p0 self._rho0 = rho0 self._spec_y0s = spec_y0s self._spec_centers = spec_centers self._spec_amps = spec_amplitudes self._gamma = gamma self._spec_omegas = spec_omegas self._d = spec_diffusivities self._wave_vector = wave_vector self._trig_func = trig_function
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, *, eos=None, time=0, **kwargs): """ Create a multi-component lump solution at time *t* and locations *x_vec*. The solution at time *t* is created by advecting the component mass lump at the user-specified constant, uniform velocity (``MulticomponentLump._velocity``). Parameters ---------- time: float Current time at which the solution is desired x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.IdealSingleGas` Equation of state class with method to supply gas *gamma*. """ t = time if x_vec.shape != (self._dim,): print(f"len(x_vec) = {len(x_vec)}") print(f"self._dim = {self._dim}") raise ValueError(f"Expected {self._dim}-dimensional inputs.") # actx = x_vec[0].array_context mass = 0 * x_vec[0] + self._rho0 mom = self._velocity * mass energy = ((self._p0 / (self._gamma - 1.0)) + 0.5*mass*, self._velocity)) vel_t = t * self._velocity import mirgecom.math as mm spec_mass = np.empty((self._nspecies,), dtype=object) for i in range(self._nspecies): spec_x = x_vec - self._spec_centers[i] wave_r = spec_x - vel_t wave_x =, self._wave_vector) expterm = mm.exp(-t*self._d[i]*self._spec_omegas[i]**2) trigterm = self._trig_func(self._spec_omegas[i]*wave_x) spec_y = self._spec_y0s[i] + self._spec_amps[i]*expterm*trigterm spec_mass[i] = mass * spec_y return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom, species_mass=spec_mass)
[docs] class AcousticPulse: r"""Solution initializer for N-dimensional isentropic Gaussian acoustic pulse. The Gaussian pulse is defined by: .. math:: q(\mathbf{r}) = q_0 + a_0 * G(\mathbf{r})\\ G(\mathbf{r}) = \exp^{-(\frac{(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_0)}{\sqrt{2}w})^{2}}, where $\mathbf{r}$ are the nodal coordinates, and $\mathbf{r}_0$, $amplitude$, and $w$, are the the user-specified pulse location, amplitude, and width, respectively. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, *, amplitude=1, width=1, center=None): r"""Initialize acoustic pulse parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int specify the number of dimensions for the pulse amplitude: float specifies the value of $amplitude$ width: float specifies the rms width of the pulse center: numpy.ndarray pulse location, shape ``(dim,)`` """ if len(center) == dim: self._center = center elif len(center) > dim: dim = len(center) self._center = center else: self._center = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if self._center.shape != (dim,): raise ValueError(f"Expected {dim}-dimensional inputs.") self._amp = amplitude self._width = width self._dim = dim
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, cv, eos=None, tseed=None, **kwargs): """Create the acoustic pulse at locations *x_vec*. Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.GasEOS` Equation of state class to be used in construction of soln """ if eos is None: eos = IdealSingleGas() if x_vec.shape != (self._dim,): raise ValueError(f"Expected {self._dim}-dimensional inputs.") temperature = eos.temperature(cv, tseed) gamma = eos.gamma(cv, temperature) y = cv.species_mass_fractions ref_pressure = eos.pressure(cv, temperature) pressure = ref_pressure + \ make_pulse(amp=self._amp, w=self._width, r0=self._center, r=x_vec) # isentropic relations mass = cv.mass*(pressure/ref_pressure)**(1.0/gamma) temperature = temperature*(pressure/ref_pressure)**(1.0 - 1.0/gamma) energy = mass*( eos.get_internal_energy(temperature, y) + 0.5*, cv.velocity)) return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=cv.velocity*mass, species_mass=y*mass)
[docs] class Uniform: r"""Solution initializer for a uniform flow. A uniform flow is the same everywhere and should have a zero RHS. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ .. automethod:: exact_rhs """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, dim=1, nspecies=0, rho=None, pressure=None, energy=None, velocity=None, temperature=None, species_mass_fractions=None): r"""Initialize uniform flow parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int specify the number of dimensions for the flow nspecies: int specify the number of species in the flow rho: float specifies the density p: float specifies the pressure e: float specifies the internal energy velocity: numpy.ndarray specifies the flow velocity """ if velocity is not None: numvel = len(velocity) myvel = velocity if numvel > dim: dim = numvel elif numvel < dim: myvel = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) for i in range(numvel): myvel[i] = velocity[i] self._velocity = myvel else: self._velocity = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if species_mass_fractions is not None: self._nspecies = len(species_mass_fractions) self._mass_fracs = species_mass_fractions else: self._nspecies = nspecies self._mass_fracs = np.zeros(shape=(nspecies,)) if self._velocity.shape != (dim,): raise ValueError(f"Expected {dim}-dimensional inputs.") self._temp = temperature self._p = pressure self._rho = rho self._e = energy # XXX Unused. Deprecate this? self._dim = dim
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, eos, **kwargs): """Create a uniform flow solution at locations *x_vec*. Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.IdealSingleGas` Equation of state class with method to supply gas *gamma*. Returns ------- cv: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` Fluid solution """ actx = x_vec[0].array_context return initialize_flow_solution( actx, coords=x_vec, eos=eos, pressure=self._p, density=self._rho, velocity=self._velocity, temperature=self._temp, species_mass_fractions=self._mass_fracs)
[docs] def exact_rhs(self, dcoll, cv, time=0.0): """Create the RHS for the uniform solution. (Hint - it should be all zero). Parameters ---------- cv: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` Fluid solution t: float Time at which RHS is desired (unused) """ actx = cv.array_context nodes = actx.thaw(dcoll.nodes()) mass = nodes[0].copy() mass[:] = 1.0 massrhs = 0.0 * mass energyrhs = 0.0 * mass momrhs = make_obj_array([0 * mass for i in range(self._dim)]) yrhs = make_obj_array([0 * mass for i in range(self._nspecies)]) return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=massrhs, energy=energyrhs, momentum=momrhs, species_mass=yrhs)
[docs] class MixtureInitializer: r"""Solution initializer for multi-species mixture. This initializer creates a physics-consistent mixture solution given an initial thermal state (pressure, temperature) and a mixture-compatible EOS. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, *, pressure=101325.0, temperature=300.0, species_mass_fractions=None, velocity=None): r"""Initialize mixture parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int specifies the number of dimensions for the solution pressure: float specifies the value of :math:`p_0` temperature: float specifies the value of :math:`T_0` species_mass_fractions: numpy.ndarray specifies the mass fraction for each species velocity: numpy.ndarray fixed uniform flow velocity used for kinetic energy """ if velocity is None: velocity = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) self._dim = dim self._velocity = velocity self._pressure = pressure self._temperature = temperature self._massfracs = species_mass_fractions from warnings import warn warn("MixtureInitializer is deprecated and will disappear in Q4 2023.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, eos, **kwargs): """Create the mixture state at locations *x_vec* (t is ignored). Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Coordinates at which solution is desired eos: Mixture-compatible equation-of-state object must provide these functions: `eos.get_density` `eos.get_internal_energy` """ if x_vec.shape != (self._dim,): raise ValueError(f"Position vector has unexpected dimensionality," f" expected {self._dim}.") actx = x_vec[0].array_context return initialize_flow_solution( actx, coords=x_vec, eos=eos, pressure=self._pressure, temperature=self._temperature, velocity=self._velocity, species_mass_fractions=self._massfracs)
[docs] class PlanarDiscontinuity: r"""Solution initializer for flow with a discontinuity. This initializer creates a physics-consistent flow solution given an initial thermal state (pressure, temperature) and an EOS. The solution varies across a planar interface defined by a tanh function located at disc_location with normal normal_dir for pressure, temperature, velocity, and mass fraction .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, dim=3, temperature_left, temperature_right, pressure_left, pressure_right, normal_dir=None, disc_location=None, nspecies=0, velocity_left=None, velocity_right=None, species_mass_left=None, species_mass_right=None, convective_velocity=None, sigma=0.5): r"""Initialize mixture parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int specifies the number of dimensions for the solution normal_dir: numpy.ndarray specifies the direction (plane) the discontinuity is applied in disc_location: numpy.ndarray or Callable fixed location of discontinuity or optionally a function that returns the time-dependent location. nspecies: int specifies the number of mixture species pressure_left: float pressure to the left of the discontinuity temperature_left: float temperature to the left of the discontinuity velocity_left: numpy.ndarray velocity (vector) to the left of the discontinuity species_mass_left: numpy.ndarray species mass fractions to the left of the discontinuity pressure_right: float pressure to the right of the discontinuity temperature_right: float temperaure to the right of the discontinuity velocity_right: numpy.ndarray velocity (vector) to the right of the discontinuity species_mass_right: numpy.ndarray species mass fractions to the right of the discontinuity sigma: float sharpness parameter """ if velocity_left is None: velocity_left = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if velocity_right is None: velocity_right = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) if species_mass_left is None: species_mass_left = np.zeros(shape=(nspecies,)) if species_mass_right is None: species_mass_right = np.zeros(shape=(nspecies,)) if normal_dir is None: normal_dir = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) normal_dir[0] = 1. if disc_location is None: disc_location = np.zeros(shape=(dim,)) self._nspecies = nspecies self._dim = dim self._disc_location = disc_location self._sigma = sigma self._ul = velocity_left self._ur = velocity_right self._uc = convective_velocity self._pl = pressure_left self._pr = pressure_right self._tl = temperature_left self._tr = temperature_right self._yl = species_mass_left self._yr = species_mass_right self._normal = normal_dir
[docs] def __call__(self, x_vec, eos, *, time=0.0): """Create the mixture state at locations *x_vec*. Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Coordinates at which solution is desired eos: Mixture-compatible equation-of-state object must provide these functions: `eos.get_density` `eos.get_internal_energy` time: float Time at which solution is desired. The location is (optionally) dependent on time """ if x_vec.shape != (self._dim,): raise ValueError(f"Position vector has unexpected dimensionality," f" expected {self._dim}.") x = x_vec[0] actx = x.array_context if callable(self._disc_location): x0 = self._disc_location(time) else: x0 = self._disc_location dist = - x_vec, self._normal) xtanh = 1.0/self._sigma*dist weight = 0.5*(1.0 - pressure = self._pl + (self._pr - self._pl)*weight temperature = self._tl + (self._tr - self._tl)*weight velocity = self._ul + (self._ur - self._ul)*weight y = self._yl + (self._yr - self._yl)*weight if self._nspecies: mass = eos.get_density(pressure, temperature, species_mass_fractions=y) else: mass = pressure/(temperature*eos.gas_const()) specmass = mass * y mom = mass * velocity internal_energy = eos.get_internal_energy(temperature, species_mass_fractions=y) kinetic_energy = 0.5 *, velocity) energy = mass * (internal_energy + kinetic_energy) return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom, species_mass=specmass)
[docs] class PlanarPoiseuille: r"""Initializer for the planar Poiseuille case. The 2D planar Poiseuille case is defined as a viscous flow between two stationary parallel sides with a uniform pressure drop prescribed as *p_hi* at the inlet and *p_low* at the outlet. See the figure below: .. figure:: ../figures/poiseuille.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Poiseuille domain illustration Illustration of the Poiseuille case setup The exact Poiseuille solution is defined by the following: $$ P(x) &= P_{\text{hi}} + P'x\\ v_x &= \frac{-P'}{2\mu}y(h-y), v_y = 0\\ \rho &= \rho_0\\ \rho{E} &= \frac{P(x)}{(\gamma-1)} + \frac{\rho}{2}(\mathbf{v}\cdot\mathbf{v}) $$ Here, $P'$ is the constant slope of the linear pressure gradient from the inlet to the outlet and is calculated as: $$ P' = \frac{(P_{\text{low}}-P_{\text{hi}})}{\text{length}} $$ $v_x$, and $v_y$ are respectively the x and y components of the velocity, $\mathbf{v}$, and $\rho_0$ is the supplied constant density of the fluid. """ def __init__(self, p_hi=100100., p_low=100000., mu=1.0, height=.02, length=.1, density=1.0): """Initialize the Poiseuille solution initializer. Parameters ---------- p_hi: float Pressure at the inlet (default=100100) p_low: float Pressure at the outlet (default=100000) mu: float Fluid viscosity, (default = 1.0) height: float Height of the domain, (default = .02) length: float Length of the domain, (default = .1) density: float Constant density of the fluid, (default=1.0) """ self.length = length self.height = height self.dpdx = (p_low - p_hi)/length self.rho = density = mu self.p_hi = p_hi def __call__(self, x_vec, eos, cv=None, **kwargs): r"""Create the Poiseuille solution. Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Array of :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` representing the 2D coordinates of the points at which the solution is desired eos: :class:`~mirgecom.eos.GasEOS` A gas equation of state cv: :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` Optional fluid state to supply fluid density and velocity if needed. Returns ------- :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` The Poiseuille solution state """ dim_mismatch = len(x_vec) != 2 if cv is not None: dim_mismatch = dim_mismatch or cv.dim != 2 if dim_mismatch: raise ValueError("PlanarPoiseuille initializer is 2D only.") x = x_vec[0] y = x_vec[1] actx = x.array_context zeros = p_x = self.p_hi + self.dpdx*x if cv is not None: mass = cv.mass velocity = cv.velocity else: mass = self.rho + zeros u_x = -self.dpdx*y*(self.height - y)/(2* velocity = make_obj_array([u_x, zeros]) ke = .5*, velocity)*mass rho_e = p_x/(eos.gamma(cv)-1) + ke return make_conserved(2, mass=mass, energy=rho_e, momentum=mass*velocity) def exact_grad(self, x_vec, eos, cv_exact): """Return the exact gradient of the Poiseuille state.""" x = x_vec[0] y = x_vec[1] actx = x.array_context # FIXME: Symbolic infrastructure could perhaps do this better zeros = ones = zeros + 1 mass = cv_exact.mass velocity = cv_exact.velocity dvxdy = -self.dpdx*(self.height-2*y)/(2* dvdy = make_obj_array([dvxdy, zeros]) dedx = self.dpdx/(eos.gamma(cv_exact)-1)*ones dedy = mass*, dvdy) dmass = make_obj_array([zeros, zeros]) denergy = make_obj_array([dedx, dedy]) dvx = make_obj_array([zeros, dvxdy]) dvy = make_obj_array([zeros, zeros]) dv = np.stack((dvx, dvy)) dmom = mass*dv species_mass = velocity*cv_exact.species_mass.reshape(-1, 1) return make_conserved(2, mass=dmass, energy=denergy, momentum=dmom, species_mass=species_mass)
[docs] class ShearFlow: r"""Shear flow exact Navier-Stokes solution from [Hesthaven_2008]_. The shear flow solution is described in Section 7.5.3 of [Hesthaven_2008]_. It is generalized to major-axis-aligned 3-dimensional cases here and defined as: .. math:: \rho &= 1\\ v_\parallel &= r_{t}^2\\ \mathbf{v}_\bot &= 0\\ E &= \frac{2\mu{r_\parallel} + 10}{\gamma-1} + \frac{r_{t}^4}{2}\\ \gamma &= \frac{3}{2}, \mu=0.01, \kappa=0 with fluid total energy $E$, viscosity $\mu$, and specific heat ratio $\gamma$. The flow velocity is $\mathbf{v}$ with flow speed and direction $v_\parallel$, and $r_\parallel$, respectively. The flow velocity in all directions other than $r_\parallel$, is denoted as $\mathbf{v}_\bot$. One major-axis-aligned flow-transverse direction, $r_t$ is set by the user. This shear flow solution is an exact solution to the fully compressible Navier-Stokes equations when neglecting thermal terms; i.e., when thermal conductivity $\kappa=0$. This solution requires a 2d or 3d domain. """ def __init__(self, dim=2, mu=.01, gamma=3./2., density=1., flow_dir=0, trans_dir=1): r"""Init the solution object. Parameters ---------- dim Number of dimensions, 2 and 3 are valid mu: float Fluid viscosity gamma: float Ratio of specific heats for the fluid density: float Fluid mass density, $\rho$ flow_dir Flow direction, $r_\parallel$, for the shear flow, 0=x, 1=y, 2=z. Defaults to x. trans_dir Transverse direction, $r_t$, for setting up the shear flow, must be other than flow direction, $r_\parallel$, defaults to y. """ if (flow_dir == trans_dir or trans_dir > (dim-1) or flow_dir > (dim-1) or flow_dir < 0 or trans_dir < 0): raise ValueError(f"Flow and transverse directions must be < {dim=}" f" and > 0.") self._dim = dim self._mu = mu self._gamma = gamma self._rho = density self._flowdir = flow_dir self._transdir = trans_dir def __call__(self, x_vec, **kwargs): """Return shear flow solution at points *x_vec*. Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Point coordinates at which the shear flow solution is desired. Returns ------- :class:`~mirgecom.fluid.ConservedVars` A CV object with the shear flow solution """ actx = x_vec[0].array_context zeros =[0]) vel = make_obj_array([zeros for i in range(self._dim)]) flow_dir = self._flowdir trans_dir = self._transdir ones = zeros + 1. for idim in range(self._dim): if idim == flow_dir: vel[idim] = x_vec[trans_dir]**2 else: vel[idim] = 1.*zeros density = self._rho * ones mom = self._rho * vel pressure = 2*self._mu*x_vec[flow_dir] + 10 ie = pressure/(self._gamma - 1.) ke = self._rho * (x_vec[trans_dir]**4.)/2. total_energy = ie + ke return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=density, momentum=mom, energy=total_energy)
[docs] class InviscidTaylorGreenVortex: """Initialize Taylor-Green Vortex.""" def __init__( self, *, dim=3, mach_number=0.05, domain_lengthscale=1, v0=1, p0=1, viscosity=1e-5 ): """Initialize vortex parameters.""" self._mach_number = mach_number self._domain_lengthscale = domain_lengthscale self._v0 = v0 self._p0 = p0 self._mu = viscosity self._dim = dim def __call__(self, x_vec, *, eos=None, time=0, **kwargs): """ Create the 3D Taylor-Green initial profile at locations *x_vec*. Parameters ---------- x_vec: numpy.ndarray Nodal coordinates eos: :class:`mirgecom.eos.IdealSingleGas` Equation of state class with method to supply gas *gamma*. """ if eos is None: eos = IdealSingleGas() length = self._domain_lengthscale gamma = eos.gamma() v0 = self._v0 p0 = self._p0 rho0 = gamma * self._mach_number ** 2 dim = len(x_vec) x = x_vec[0] y = x_vec[1] actx = x_vec[0].array_context zeros = ones = 1 + zeros nu = self._mu/rho0 ft =*nu*time) if dim == 3: z = x_vec[0] p = p0 + rho0 * (v0 ** 2) / 16 * (*x / length +*y / length)) ) **z / length + 2) u = ( v0 * / length) * / length) ) * / length) v = ( -v0 * / length) * / length) ) * / length) w = zeros velocity = make_obj_array([u, v, w]) else: u =**ft v =**ft p = rho0/4.0 * (*x) +*y)) * ft * ft velocity = make_obj_array([u, v]) momentum = rho0 * velocity energy = p / (gamma - 1) + rho0 / 2 *, velocity) rho = rho0 * ones return make_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=rho, energy=energy, momentum=momentum)