Source code for mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall

r""":mod:`mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall` for thermally-coupled
fluid and wall.

Couples a fluid subdomain governed by the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
(:mod:`mirgecom.navierstokes`) with a wall subdomain governed by the heat
equation (:mod:`mirgecom.diffusion`) through temperature and heat flux. This
coupling can optionally include a sink term representing emitted radiation.
In the non-radiating case, coupling enforces continuity of temperature and heat flux

.. math::
    T_\text{wall} &= T_\text{fluid} \\
    -\kappa_\text{wall} \nabla T_\text{wall} \cdot \hat{n} &=
        -\kappa_\text{fluid} \nabla T_\text{fluid} \cdot \hat{n},

and in the radiating case, coupling enforces a similar condition but with an
additional radiation sink term in the heat flux

.. math::
    -\kappa_\text{wall} \nabla T_\text{wall} \cdot \hat{n} =
        -\kappa_\text{fluid} \nabla T_\text{fluid} \cdot \hat{n}
        + \epsilon \sigma (T^4 - T_\text{ambient}^4).

Boundary Setup Functions

.. autofunction:: add_interface_boundaries_no_grad
.. autofunction:: add_interface_boundaries

Basic Coupled Operators

.. autofunction:: basic_coupled_ns_heat_operator

Boundary Conditions

.. autoclass:: InterfaceFluidBoundary
.. autoclass:: InterfaceFluidSlipBoundary
.. autoclass:: InterfaceFluidNoslipBoundary
.. autoclass:: InterfaceWallBoundary
.. autoclass:: InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary

__copyright__ = """
Copyright (C) 2022 University of Illinois Board of Trustees

__license__ = """
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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from dataclasses import dataclass, replace
import numpy as np
from abc import abstractmethod
from functools import partial

from arraycontext import dataclass_array_container
from meshmode.dof_array import DOFArray
from grudge.trace_pair import (
from grudge.dof_desc import (
import grudge.op as op

from mirgecom.math import harmonic_mean
from mirgecom.boundary import (
from mirgecom.flux import num_flux_central
from mirgecom.viscous import viscous_facial_flux_harmonic
from mirgecom.gas_model import (
from mirgecom.navierstokes import (
    grad_t_operator as fluid_grad_t_operator,
from mirgecom.diffusion import (
    grad_operator as wall_grad_t_operator,
from mirgecom.multiphysics import make_interface_boundaries
from mirgecom.utils import project_from_base

class _ThermalDataNoGradInterVolTag:

class _ThermalDataInterVolTag:

class _GradTemperatureInterVolTag:

class _FluidOpStatesTag:

class _FluidGradTag:

class _FluidOperatorTag:

class _WallGradTag:

class _WallOperatorTag:

# FIXME: Interior penalty should probably use an average of the lengthscales on
# both sides of the interface
[docs] class InterfaceFluidBoundary(MengaldoBoundaryCondition): r""" Abstract interface for the fluid side of the fluid-wall interface. Extends :class:`~mirgecom.boundary.MengaldoBoundaryCondition` to include an interior penalty on the heat flux: .. math:: q_\text{penalty} = \tau (T^+ - T^-). where $\tau = c \frac{\kappa_\text{bc}}{h^-}$. Here $c$ is a user-defined constant and $h^-$ is the characteristic mesh spacing on the fluid side of the interface. Base class implementations -------------------------- .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: viscous_divergence_flux Abstract interface ------------------ .. automethod:: temperature_plus """
[docs] def __init__(self, heat_flux_penalty_amount, lengthscales_minus): r""" Initialize InterfaceFluidBoundary. Parameters ---------- heat_flux_penalty_amount: float Coefficient $c$ for the interior penalty on the heat flux. lengthscales_minus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Characteristic mesh spacing $h^-$. """ self._penalty_amount = heat_flux_penalty_amount self._lengthscales_minus = lengthscales_minus
[docs] @abstractmethod def temperature_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): r"""Get the external temperature, $T^+$. Parameters ---------- dcoll: :class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements dd_bdry: Boundary DOF descriptor (or object convertible to one) indicating which domain boundary to process state_minus: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state, and dependent quantities for the (-) side of the boundary. Returns ------- :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` """
[docs] def viscous_divergence_flux( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus, numerical_flux_func=viscous_facial_flux_harmonic, **kwargs): """ Return the viscous flux as defined by :meth:`mirgecom.boundary.MengaldoBoundaryCondition.viscous_divergence_flux` with the additional heat flux interior penalty term. """ dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) state_bc = self.state_bc( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) flux_without_penalty = super().viscous_divergence_flux( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, numerical_flux_func=numerical_flux_func, grad_cv_minus=grad_cv_minus, grad_t_minus=grad_t_minus, **kwargs) lengthscales_minus = project_from_base( dcoll, dd_bdry, self._lengthscales_minus) if isinstance(state_bc.thermal_conductivity, np.ndarray): # orthotropic materials actx = state_minus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) kappa_bc =, state_bc.thermal_conductivity*normal) else: kappa_bc = state_bc.thermal_conductivity tau = self._penalty_amount * kappa_bc / lengthscales_minus t_minus = state_minus.temperature t_plus = self.temperature_plus( dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) return replace( flux_without_penalty, # NS and diffusion use opposite sign conventions for flux; hence penalty # is added here instead of subtracted + tau * (t_plus - t_minus))
class _ThermallyCoupledHarmonicMeanBoundaryComponent: def __init__( self, kappa_plus, t_plus, grad_t_plus=None): self._kappa_plus = kappa_plus self._t_plus = t_plus self._grad_t_plus = grad_t_plus def _normal_kappa_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry): # project kappa plus in case of overintegration if isinstance(self._kappa_plus, np.ndarray): # orthotropic materials actx = self._t_plus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) kappa_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._kappa_plus) return, kappa_plus*normal) return project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._kappa_plus) def _normal_kappa_minus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa): # state minus is already in the quadrature domain if isinstance(kappa, np.ndarray): # orthotropic materials actx = self._t_plus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) return, kappa*normal) return kappa def kappa_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus): return harmonic_mean(kappa_minus, project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._kappa_plus)) def temperature_plus(self, dcoll, dd_bdry): return project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._t_plus) def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, t_minus): t_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._t_plus) actx = t_minus.array_context kappa_plus = self._normal_kappa_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry) kappa_minus = self._normal_kappa_minus(dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus + t_minus*0.0) kappa_sum = + kappa_plus, 0*kappa_minus), kappa_minus + kappa_plus, 0*kappa_minus + 1) return (t_minus * kappa_minus + t_plus * kappa_plus)/kappa_sum def grad_temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus): if self._grad_t_plus is None: raise TypeError( "Boundary does not have external temperature gradient data.") grad_t_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self._grad_t_plus) return (grad_t_plus + grad_t_minus)/2 def _replace_kappa(state, kappa): """Replace the thermal conductivity in fluid state *state* with *kappa*.""" new_tv = replace(, thermal_conductivity=kappa) return replace(state, tv=new_tv)
[docs] class InterfaceFluidSlipBoundary(InterfaceFluidBoundary): """ Boundary for the fluid side of the fluid-wall interface, with slip. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: temperature_plus .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__( self, kappa_plus, t_plus, grad_t_plus=None, heat_flux_penalty_amount=None, lengthscales_minus=None): r""" Initialize InterfaceFluidSlipBoundary. Arguments *grad_t_plus*, *heat_flux_penalty_amount*, and *lengthscales_minus* are only required if the boundary will be used to compute the viscous flux. Parameters ---------- kappa_plus: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity from the wall side. t_plus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature from the wall side. grad_t_plus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Temperature gradient from the wall side. heat_flux_penalty_amount: float or None Coefficient $c$ for the interior penalty on the heat flux. lengthscales_minus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Characteristic mesh spacing $h^-$. """ InterfaceFluidBoundary.__init__( self, heat_flux_penalty_amount=heat_flux_penalty_amount, lengthscales_minus=lengthscales_minus) self._thermally_coupled = _ThermallyCoupledHarmonicMeanBoundaryComponent( kappa_plus=kappa_plus, t_plus=t_plus, grad_t_plus=grad_t_plus) self._slip = _SlipBoundaryComponent() self._impermeable = _ImpermeableBoundaryComponent()
[docs] def state_plus( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 actx = state_minus.array_context # Grab a unit normal to the boundary nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # Reflect the normal momentum mom_plus = self._slip.momentum_plus(state_minus.momentum_density, nhat) # Don't bother replacing kappa since this is just for inviscid return replace_fluid_state(state_minus, gas_model, momentum=mom_plus)
[docs] def state_bc( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 actx = state_minus.array_context cv_minus = kappa_minus = # Grab a unit normal to the boundary nhat = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) # set the normal momentum to 0 mom_bc = self._slip.momentum_bc(state_minus.momentum_density, nhat) t_bc = self._thermally_coupled.temperature_bc( dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, state_minus.temperature) internal_energy_bc = ( cv_minus.mass * gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature=t_bc, species_mass_fractions=cv_minus.species_mass_fractions)) total_energy_bc = ( internal_energy_bc + 0.5*, mom_bc)/cv_minus.mass) kappa_bc = self._thermally_coupled.kappa_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus) return _replace_kappa( replace_fluid_state( state_minus, gas_model, energy=total_energy_bc, momentum=mom_bc, temperature_seed=t_bc), kappa_bc)
[docs] def grad_cv_bc( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) state_bc = self.state_bc( dcoll=dcoll, dd_bdry=dd_bdry, gas_model=gas_model, state_minus=state_minus, **kwargs) grad_v_bc = self._slip.grad_velocity_bc( state_minus, state_bc, grad_cv_minus, normal) grad_mom_bc = ( state_bc.mass_density * grad_v_bc + np.outer(state_bc.velocity, grad_cv_minus.mass)) grad_species_mass_bc = self._impermeable.grad_species_mass_bc( state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal) return grad_cv_minus.replace( momentum=grad_mom_bc, species_mass=grad_species_mass_bc)
[docs] def temperature_plus( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 return self._thermally_coupled.temperature_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 kappa_minus = return self._thermally_coupled.temperature_bc( dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, state_minus.temperature)
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 return self._thermally_coupled.grad_temperature_bc( dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus)
[docs] class InterfaceFluidNoslipBoundary(InterfaceFluidBoundary): """ Boundary for the fluid side of the fluid-wall interface, without slip. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: state_plus .. automethod:: state_bc .. automethod:: grad_cv_bc .. automethod:: temperature_plus .. automethod:: temperature_bc .. automethod:: grad_temperature_bc """
[docs] def __init__( self, kappa_plus, t_plus, grad_t_plus=None, heat_flux_penalty_amount=None, lengthscales_minus=None): r""" Initialize InterfaceFluidNoslipBoundary. Arguments *grad_t_plus*, *heat_flux_penalty_amount*, and *lengthscales_minus* are only required if the boundary will be used to compute the viscous flux. Parameters ---------- kappa_plus: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity from the wall side. t_plus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature from the wall side. grad_t_plus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Temperature gradient from the wall side. heat_flux_penalty_amount: float or None Coefficient $c$ for the interior penalty on the heat flux. lengthscales_minus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Characteristic mesh spacing $h^-$. """ InterfaceFluidBoundary.__init__( self, heat_flux_penalty_amount=heat_flux_penalty_amount, lengthscales_minus=lengthscales_minus) self._thermally_coupled = _ThermallyCoupledHarmonicMeanBoundaryComponent( kappa_plus=kappa_plus, t_plus=t_plus, grad_t_plus=grad_t_plus) self._no_slip = _NoSlipBoundaryComponent() self._impermeable = _ImpermeableBoundaryComponent()
[docs] def state_plus( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) mom_plus = self._no_slip.momentum_plus(state_minus.momentum_density) # Don't bother replacing kappa since this is just for inviscid return replace_fluid_state(state_minus, gas_model, momentum=mom_plus)
[docs] def state_bc( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 dd_bdry = as_dofdesc(dd_bdry) kappa_minus = mom_bc = self._no_slip.momentum_bc(state_minus.momentum_density) t_bc = self._thermally_coupled.temperature_bc( dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, state_minus.temperature) internal_energy_bc = gas_model.eos.get_internal_energy( temperature=t_bc, species_mass_fractions=state_minus.species_mass_fractions) # Velocity is pinned to 0 here, no kinetic energy total_energy_bc = state_minus.mass_density*internal_energy_bc kappa_bc = self._thermally_coupled.kappa_bc(dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus) return _replace_kappa( replace_fluid_state( state_minus, gas_model, energy=total_energy_bc, momentum=mom_bc), kappa_bc)
[docs] def grad_cv_bc( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, gas_model, state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 grad_species_mass_bc = self._impermeable.grad_species_mass_bc( state_minus, grad_cv_minus, normal) return grad_cv_minus.replace(species_mass=grad_species_mass_bc)
[docs] def temperature_plus( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 return self._thermally_coupled.temperature_plus(dcoll, dd_bdry)
[docs] def temperature_bc(self, dcoll, dd_bdry, state_minus, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 kappa_minus = return self._thermally_coupled.temperature_bc( dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, state_minus.temperature)
[docs] def grad_temperature_bc( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus, normal, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 return self._thermally_coupled.grad_temperature_bc( dcoll, dd_bdry, grad_t_minus)
# FIXME: Interior penalty should probably use an average of the lengthscales on # both sides of the interface
[docs] class InterfaceWallBoundary(DiffusionBoundary): """ Boundary for the wall side of the fluid-wall interface. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: get_grad_flux .. automethod:: get_diffusion_flux """
[docs] def __init__(self, kappa_plus, u_plus, grad_u_plus=None): r""" Initialize InterfaceWallBoundary. Argument *grad_u_plus* is only required if the boundary will be used to compute the heat flux. Parameters ---------- kappa_plus: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity from the fluid side. u_plus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature from the fluid side. grad_u_plus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Temperature gradient from the fluid side. """ self.kappa_plus = kappa_plus self.u_plus = u_plus self.grad_u_plus = grad_u_plus
[docs] def get_grad_flux( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, u_minus, *, numerical_flux_func=grad_facial_flux_weighted): # noqa: D102 actx = u_minus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) kappa_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.kappa_plus) kappa_tpair = TracePair( dd_bdry, interior=kappa_minus, exterior=kappa_plus) u_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.u_plus) u_tpair = TracePair(dd_bdry, interior=u_minus, exterior=u_plus) return numerical_flux_func(kappa_tpair, u_tpair, normal)
[docs] def get_diffusion_flux( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, u_minus, grad_u_minus, lengthscales_minus, *, penalty_amount=None, numerical_flux_func=diffusion_facial_flux_harmonic): # noqa: D102 if self.grad_u_plus is None: raise TypeError( "Boundary does not have external gradient data.") actx = u_minus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) kappa_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.kappa_plus) kappa_tpair = TracePair( dd_bdry, interior=kappa_minus, exterior=kappa_plus) u_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.u_plus) u_tpair = TracePair(dd_bdry, interior=u_minus, exterior=u_plus) grad_u_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.grad_u_plus) grad_u_tpair = TracePair( dd_bdry, interior=grad_u_minus, exterior=grad_u_plus) lengthscales_tpair = TracePair( dd_bdry, interior=lengthscales_minus, exterior=lengthscales_minus) return numerical_flux_func( kappa_tpair, u_tpair, grad_u_tpair, lengthscales_tpair, normal, penalty_amount=penalty_amount)
[docs] class InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary(DiffusionBoundary): r""" Boundary for the wall side of the fluid-wall interface (radiating). Enforces the heat flux to be that entering the fluid side plus a radiation sink term: .. math:: -\kappa_\text{wall} \nabla T_\text{wall} \cdot \hat{n} = -\kappa_\text{fluid} \nabla T_\text{fluid} \cdot \hat{n} + \epsilon \sigma (T^4 - T_\text{ambient}^4), where $\epsilon$ is the wall material's emissivity and $\sigma$ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: get_grad_flux .. automethod:: get_diffusion_flux """
[docs] def __init__( self, kappa_plus, grad_u_plus=None, emissivity=None, sigma=None, u_ambient=None): r""" Initialize InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary. Arguments *grad_u_plus*, *emissivity*, *sigma*, and *u_ambient* are only required if the boundary will be used to compute the heat flux. Parameters ---------- kappa_plus: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity from the fluid side. grad_u_plus: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Temperature gradient from the fluid side. emissivity: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Emissivity of the wall material. sigma: float or None Stefan-Boltzmann constant. u_ambient: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` or None Ambient temperature of the environment. """ self.kappa_plus = kappa_plus self.emissivity = emissivity self.sigma = sigma self.u_ambient = u_ambient self.grad_u_plus = grad_u_plus
[docs] def get_grad_flux( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, u_minus, *, numerical_flux_func=grad_facial_flux_weighted): # noqa: D102 actx = u_minus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) kappa_tpair = TracePair( dd_bdry, interior=kappa_minus, exterior=kappa_minus) u_tpair = TracePair(dd_bdry, interior=u_minus, exterior=u_minus) return numerical_flux_func(kappa_tpair, u_tpair, normal)
[docs] def get_diffusion_flux( self, dcoll, dd_bdry, kappa_minus, u_minus, grad_u_minus, lengthscales_minus, *, penalty_amount=None, numerical_flux_func=diffusion_facial_flux_harmonic): # noqa: D102 if self.grad_u_plus is None: raise TypeError("External temperature gradient is not specified.") if self.emissivity is None: raise TypeError("Wall emissivity is not specified.") if self.sigma is None: raise TypeError("Stefan-Boltzmann constant value is not specified.") if self.u_ambient is None: raise TypeError("Ambient temperature is not specified.") actx = u_minus.array_context normal = actx.thaw(dcoll.normal(dd_bdry)) kappa_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.kappa_plus) grad_u_plus = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.grad_u_plus) emissivity = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.emissivity) u_ambient = project_from_base(dcoll, dd_bdry, self.u_ambient) # Note: numerical_flux_func is ignored return (, grad_u_plus), normal) + emissivity * self.sigma * (u_minus**4 - u_ambient**4))
@dataclass_array_container @dataclass(frozen=True) class _ThermalDataNoGrad: kappa: DOFArray temperature: DOFArray @dataclass_array_container @dataclass(frozen=True) class _ThermalData(_ThermalDataNoGrad): grad_temperature: np.ndarray def _make_thermal_data(kappa, temperature, grad_temperature=None): if not isinstance(kappa, DOFArray): kappa = kappa * (0*temperature + 1) if grad_temperature is not None: thermal_data = _ThermalData(kappa, temperature, grad_temperature) else: thermal_data = _ThermalDataNoGrad(kappa, temperature) return thermal_data def _get_interface_trace_pairs_no_grad( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_kappa, wall_kappa, fluid_temperature, wall_temperature, *, comm_tag=None): pairwise_thermal_data = { (fluid_dd, wall_dd): ( _make_thermal_data(fluid_kappa, fluid_temperature), _make_thermal_data(wall_kappa, wall_temperature))} return inter_volume_trace_pairs( dcoll, pairwise_thermal_data, comm_tag=(_ThermalDataNoGradInterVolTag, comm_tag)) def _get_interface_trace_pairs( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_kappa, wall_kappa, fluid_temperature, wall_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature, *, comm_tag=None): pairwise_thermal_data = { (fluid_dd, wall_dd): ( _make_thermal_data( fluid_kappa, fluid_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature), _make_thermal_data( wall_kappa, wall_temperature, wall_grad_temperature))} return inter_volume_trace_pairs( dcoll, pairwise_thermal_data, comm_tag=(_ThermalDataInterVolTag, comm_tag)) def _get_interface_boundaries_no_grad( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_kappa, wall_kappa, fluid_temperature, wall_temperature, *, interface_noslip=True, interface_radiation=False, quadrature_tag=DISCR_TAG_BASE, comm_tag=None): interface_tpairs = _get_interface_trace_pairs_no_grad( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_kappa, wall_kappa, fluid_temperature, wall_temperature, comm_tag=comm_tag) if interface_radiation: def make_fluid_boundary(interface_tpair): if interface_noslip: fluid_bc_class = IsothermalWallBoundary else: fluid_bc_class = IsothermalSlipWallBoundary return fluid_bc_class(interface_tpair.ext.temperature) def make_wall_boundary(interface_tpair): return InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary( interface_tpair.ext.kappa) else: def make_fluid_boundary(interface_tpair): if interface_noslip: fluid_bc_class = InterfaceFluidNoslipBoundary else: fluid_bc_class = InterfaceFluidSlipBoundary return fluid_bc_class( interface_tpair.ext.kappa, interface_tpair.ext.temperature) def make_wall_boundary(interface_tpair): return InterfaceWallBoundary( interface_tpair.ext.kappa, interface_tpair.ext.temperature) bdry_factories = { (wall_dd, fluid_dd): make_fluid_boundary, (fluid_dd, wall_dd): make_wall_boundary} interface_boundaries = make_interface_boundaries( bdry_factories, interface_tpairs) fluid_interface_boundaries = interface_boundaries[wall_dd, fluid_dd] wall_interface_boundaries = interface_boundaries[fluid_dd, wall_dd] return fluid_interface_boundaries, wall_interface_boundaries def _get_interface_boundaries( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_kappa, wall_kappa, fluid_temperature, wall_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature, *, interface_noslip=True, interface_radiation=False, wall_emissivity=None, sigma=None, ambient_temperature=None, wall_penalty_amount=None, quadrature_tag=DISCR_TAG_BASE, comm_tag=None): if wall_penalty_amount is None: # FIXME: After verifying the form of the penalty term, figure out what value # makes sense to use as a default here wall_penalty_amount = 0.05 interface_tpairs = _get_interface_trace_pairs( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_kappa, wall_kappa, fluid_temperature, wall_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature, comm_tag=comm_tag) if interface_radiation: def make_fluid_boundary(interface_tpair): if interface_noslip: fluid_bc_class = IsothermalWallBoundary else: fluid_bc_class = IsothermalSlipWallBoundary return fluid_bc_class(interface_tpair.ext.temperature) if ( wall_emissivity is None or sigma is None or ambient_temperature is None): raise TypeError( "Arguments 'wall_emissivity', 'sigma' and 'ambient_temperature'" "are required if using surface radiation.") def make_wall_boundary(interface_tpair): emissivity_minus = op.project(dcoll, wall_dd, interface_tpair.dd, wall_emissivity) return InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary( interface_tpair.ext.kappa, interface_tpair.ext.grad_temperature, emissivity_minus, sigma, ambient_temperature) else: # Diffusion operator passes lengthscales_minus into the boundary flux # functions, but NS doesn't; thus we need to pass lengthscales into # the fluid boundary condition constructor from grudge.dt_utils import characteristic_lengthscales fluid_lengthscales = ( characteristic_lengthscales( fluid_temperature.array_context, dcoll, fluid_dd) * (0*fluid_temperature+1)) def make_fluid_boundary(interface_tpair): if interface_noslip: fluid_bc_class = InterfaceFluidNoslipBoundary else: fluid_bc_class = InterfaceFluidSlipBoundary return fluid_bc_class( interface_tpair.ext.kappa, interface_tpair.ext.temperature, interface_tpair.ext.grad_temperature, heat_flux_penalty_amount=wall_penalty_amount, lengthscales_minus=op.project(dcoll, fluid_dd, interface_tpair.dd, fluid_lengthscales)) def make_wall_boundary(interface_tpair): return InterfaceWallBoundary( interface_tpair.ext.kappa, interface_tpair.ext.temperature, interface_tpair.ext.grad_temperature) bdry_factories = { (wall_dd, fluid_dd): make_fluid_boundary, (fluid_dd, wall_dd): make_wall_boundary} interface_boundaries = make_interface_boundaries( bdry_factories, interface_tpairs) fluid_interface_boundaries = interface_boundaries[wall_dd, fluid_dd] wall_interface_boundaries = interface_boundaries[fluid_dd, wall_dd] return fluid_interface_boundaries, wall_interface_boundaries
[docs] def add_interface_boundaries_no_grad( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, *, interface_noslip=True, interface_radiation=False, quadrature_tag=DISCR_TAG_BASE, comm_tag=None): """ Include the fluid-wall interface boundaries (without temperature gradient). Return a tuple `(fluid_all_boundaries, wall_all_boundaries)` that adds boundaries to *fluid_boundaries* and *wall_boundaries* that represent the volume interfaces. One entry is added for the collection of faces whose opposite face reside on the current MPI rank and one-per-rank for each collection of faces whose opposite face resides on a different rank. Parameters ---------- dcoll: class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state fluid_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the fluid volume. wall_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the wall volume. fluid_state: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state and dependent quantities for the fluid volume. wall_kappa: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity for the wall volume. wall_temperature: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature for the wall volume. fluid_boundaries Dictionary of boundary functions, one for each valid non-interface :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` on the fluid subdomain. wall_boundaries Dictionary of boundary functions, one for each valid non-interface :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` on the wall subdomain. interface_noslip: bool If `True`, interface boundaries on the fluid side will be treated as no-slip walls. If `False` they will be treated as slip walls. interface_radiation: bool If `True`, interface includes a radiation sink term in the heat flux. See :class:`~mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall.InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary` for details. quadrature_tag An identifier denoting a particular quadrature discretization to use during operator evaluations. comm_tag: Hashable Tag for distributed communication """ fluid_interface_boundaries_no_grad, wall_interface_boundaries_no_grad = \ _get_interface_boundaries_no_grad( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd,, wall_kappa, fluid_state.temperature, wall_temperature, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, interface_radiation=interface_radiation, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, comm_tag=comm_tag) fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad = {} fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad.update(fluid_boundaries) fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad.update(fluid_interface_boundaries_no_grad) wall_all_boundaries_no_grad = {} wall_all_boundaries_no_grad.update(wall_boundaries) wall_all_boundaries_no_grad.update(wall_interface_boundaries_no_grad) return fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, wall_all_boundaries_no_grad
[docs] def add_interface_boundaries( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, *, interface_noslip=True, interface_radiation=False, wall_emissivity=None, sigma=None, ambient_temperature=None, wall_penalty_amount=None, quadrature_tag=DISCR_TAG_BASE, comm_tag=None): """ Include the fluid-wall interface boundaries. Return a tuple `(fluid_all_boundaries, wall_all_boundaries)` that adds boundaries to *fluid_boundaries* and *wall_boundaries* that represent the volume interfaces. One entry is added for the collection of faces whose opposite face reside on the current MPI rank and one-per-rank for each collection of faces whose opposite face resides on a different rank. Parameters ---------- dcoll: class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state fluid_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the fluid volume. wall_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the wall volume. fluid_state: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state and dependent quantities for the fluid volume. wall_kappa: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity for the wall volume. wall_temperature: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature for the wall volume. fluid_grad_temperature: numpy.ndarray Temperature gradient for the fluid volume. wall_grad_temperature: numpy.ndarray Temperature gradient for the wall volume. fluid_boundaries Dictionary of boundary functions, one for each valid non-interface :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` on the fluid subdomain. wall_boundaries Dictionary of boundary functions, one for each valid non-interface :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` on the wall subdomain. interface_noslip: bool If `True`, interface boundaries on the fluid side will be treated as no-slip walls. If `False` they will be treated as slip walls. interface_radiation: bool If `True`, interface includes a radiation sink term in the heat flux. See :class:`~mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall.InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary` for details. Additional arguments *wall_emissivity*, *sigma*, and *ambient_temperature* are required if enabled. wall_emissivity: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Emissivity of the wall material. sigma: float Stefan-Boltzmann constant. ambient_temperature: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Ambient temperature of the environment. wall_penalty_amount: float Coefficient $c$ for the interior penalty on the heat flux. See :class:`~mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall.InterfaceFluidBoundary` for details. quadrature_tag An identifier denoting a particular quadrature discretization to use during operator evaluations. comm_tag: Hashable Tag for distributed communication """ fluid_interface_boundaries, wall_interface_boundaries = \ _get_interface_boundaries( dcoll, fluid_dd, wall_dd,, wall_kappa, fluid_state.temperature, wall_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, interface_radiation=interface_radiation, wall_emissivity=wall_emissivity, sigma=sigma, ambient_temperature=ambient_temperature, wall_penalty_amount=wall_penalty_amount, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, comm_tag=comm_tag) fluid_all_boundaries = {} fluid_all_boundaries.update(fluid_boundaries) fluid_all_boundaries.update(fluid_interface_boundaries) wall_all_boundaries = {} wall_all_boundaries.update(wall_boundaries) wall_all_boundaries.update(wall_interface_boundaries) return fluid_all_boundaries, wall_all_boundaries
def coupled_grad_t_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, *, time=0., interface_noslip=True, interface_radiation=False, use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid=None, quadrature_tag=DISCR_TAG_BASE, fluid_numerical_flux_func=num_flux_central, # Added to avoid repeated computation # FIXME: See if there's a better way to do this _fluid_operator_states_quad=None, _fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad=None, _wall_all_boundaries_no_grad=None): r""" Compute $\nabla T$ on the fluid and wall subdomains. Deprecated; set up interface boundaries explicitly via :func:`add_interface_boundaries_no_grad` and include them when calling the individual operators instead. Parameters ---------- dcoll: class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state fluid_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the fluid volume. wall_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the wall volume. fluid_boundaries: Dictionary of boundary objects for the fluid subdomain, one for each :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` that represents a domain boundary. wall_boundaries: Dictionary of boundary objects for the wall subdomain, one for each :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` that represents a domain boundary. fluid_state: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state and dependent quantities for the fluid volume. wall_kappa: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity for the wall volume. wall_temperature: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature for the wall volume. time: Time interface_noslip: bool If `True`, interface boundaries on the fluid side will be treated as no-slip walls. If `False` they will be treated as slip walls. use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid: bool Indicates whether the temperature gradient flux on the fluid side of the interface should be computed using a simple average of temperatures or by weighting the temperature from each side by its respective thermal conductivity. quadrature_tag: An identifier denoting a particular quadrature discretization to use during operator evaluations. fluid_numerical_flux_func: Callable function to return the numerical flux to be used when computing the temperature gradient in the fluid subdomain. Defaults to :class:`~mirgecom.flux.num_flux_central`. Returns ------- The tuple `(fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature)`. """ from warnings import warn warn( "coupled_grad_t_operator is deprecated and will disappear in Q3 2023. " "Set up interface boundaries explicitly via " ":func:`add_interface_boundaries_no_grad` and include them when calling the " "individual operators instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid is None: warn( "Default value of use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid has changed " "from False to True as False is no longer allowed. Explicitly set it " "to True to suppress this warning.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid = True elif not use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid: warn( "Setting use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid to True; False is no " "longer allowed. Explicitly set it to True to suppress this warning.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) fluid_boundaries = { as_dofdesc(bdtag).domain_tag: bdry for bdtag, bdry in fluid_boundaries.items()} wall_boundaries = { as_dofdesc(bdtag).domain_tag: bdry for bdtag, bdry in wall_boundaries.items()} # Include boundaries for the fluid-wall interface; no temperature gradient # yet because that's what we're trying to compute assert ( (_fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad is None) == (_wall_all_boundaries_no_grad is None)), ( "Expected both _fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad and " "_wall_all_boundaries_no_grad or neither") if _fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad is None: fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, wall_all_boundaries_no_grad = \ add_interface_boundaries_no_grad( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag) else: fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad = _fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad wall_all_boundaries_no_grad = _wall_all_boundaries_no_grad # Compute the subdomain gradient operators using the augmented boundaries return ( fluid_grad_t_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, fluid_state, time=time, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, numerical_flux_func=fluid_numerical_flux_func, dd=fluid_dd, operator_states_quad=_fluid_operator_states_quad, comm_tag=_FluidGradTag), wall_grad_t_operator( dcoll, wall_kappa, wall_all_boundaries_no_grad, wall_temperature, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, dd=wall_dd, comm_tag=_WallGradTag)) def coupled_ns_heat_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, *, time=0., interface_noslip=True, use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid=None, wall_penalty_amount=None, quadrature_tag=DISCR_TAG_BASE, limiter_func=None, fluid_gradient_numerical_flux_func=num_flux_central, return_gradients=False, ns_operator=ns_operator): r""" Compute the RHS of the fluid and wall subdomains. Augments *fluid_boundaries* and *wall_boundaries* with the boundaries for the fluid-wall interface that are needed to enforce continuity of temperature and heat flux. Deprecated; set up interface boundaries explicitly via :func:`add_interface_boundaries` and include them when calling the individual operators instead. Parameters ---------- dcoll: class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state fluid_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the fluid volume. wall_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the wall volume. fluid_boundaries: Dictionary of boundary objects for the fluid subdomain, one for each :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` that represents a domain boundary. wall_boundaries: Dictionary of boundary objects for the wall subdomain, one for each :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` that represents a domain boundary. fluid_state: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state and dependent quantities for the fluid volume. wall_kappa: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity for the wall volume. wall_temperature: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature for the wall volume. time: Time interface_noslip: bool If `True`, interface boundaries on the fluid side will be treated as no-slip walls. If `False` they will be treated as slip walls. use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid: bool Indicates whether the temperature gradient flux on the fluid side of the interface should be computed using a simple average of temperatures or by weighting the temperature from each side by its respective thermal conductivity. wall_penalty_amount: float Coefficient $c$ for the interior penalty on the heat flux. See :class:`~mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall.InterfaceFluidBoundary` for details. quadrature_tag: An identifier denoting a particular quadrature discretization to use during operator evaluations. fluid_gradient_numerical_flux_func: Callable function to return the numerical flux to be used when computing the temperature gradient in the fluid subdomain. Defaults to :class:`~mirgecom.flux.num_flux_central`. limiter_func: Callable function to be passed to :func:`~mirgecom.gas_model.make_operator_fluid_states` that filters or limits the produced fluid states. This is used to keep species mass fractions in physical and realizable states, for example. Returns ------- The tuple `(fluid_rhs, wall_rhs)`. """ from warnings import warn warn( "coupled_ns_heat_operator is deprecated and will disappear in Q3 2023. " "Set up interface boundaries explicitly via " ":func:`add_interface_boundaries` and include them when calling the " "individual operators instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid is None: warn( "Default value of use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid has changed " "from False to True as False is no longer allowed. Explicitly set it " "to True to suppress this warning.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid = True elif not use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid: warn( "Setting use_kappa_weighted_grad_flux_in_fluid to True; False is no " "longer allowed. Explicitly set it to True to suppress this warning.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) if wall_penalty_amount is None: # FIXME: After verifying the form of the penalty term, figure out what value # makes sense to use as a default here wall_penalty_amount = 0.05 fluid_boundaries = { as_dofdesc(bdtag).domain_tag: bdry for bdtag, bdry in fluid_boundaries.items()} wall_boundaries = { as_dofdesc(bdtag).domain_tag: bdry for bdtag, bdry in wall_boundaries.items()} # Include boundaries for the fluid-wall interface; no temperature gradient # yet because we need to compute it fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, wall_all_boundaries_no_grad = \ add_interface_boundaries_no_grad( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag) # Get the operator fluid states fluid_operator_states_quad = make_operator_fluid_states( dcoll, fluid_state, gas_model, fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, quadrature_tag, dd=fluid_dd, comm_tag=_FluidOpStatesTag, limiter_func=limiter_func) # Compute the temperature gradient for both subdomains fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature = coupled_grad_t_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, time=time, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, fluid_numerical_flux_func=fluid_gradient_numerical_flux_func, _fluid_operator_states_quad=fluid_operator_states_quad, _fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad=fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, _wall_all_boundaries_no_grad=wall_all_boundaries_no_grad) # Include boundaries for the fluid-wall interface, now with the temperature # gradient fluid_all_boundaries, wall_all_boundaries = \ add_interface_boundaries( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, wall_penalty_amount=wall_penalty_amount, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag) # Compute the subdomain NS/diffusion operators using the augmented boundaries ns_result = ns_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_state, fluid_all_boundaries, time=time, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, dd=fluid_dd, return_gradients=return_gradients, operator_states_quad=fluid_operator_states_quad, grad_t=fluid_grad_temperature, comm_tag=_FluidOperatorTag) diffusion_result = diffusion_operator( dcoll, wall_kappa, wall_all_boundaries, wall_temperature, penalty_amount=wall_penalty_amount, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, return_grad_u=return_gradients, dd=wall_dd, grad_u=wall_grad_temperature, comm_tag=_WallOperatorTag) if return_gradients: fluid_rhs, fluid_grad_cv, fluid_grad_temperature = ns_result wall_rhs, wall_grad_temperature = diffusion_result return ( fluid_rhs, wall_rhs, fluid_grad_cv, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature) else: return ns_result, diffusion_result
[docs] def basic_coupled_ns_heat_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, *, time=0., interface_noslip=True, interface_radiation=False, wall_emissivity=None, sigma=None, ambient_temperature=None, wall_penalty_amount=None, quadrature_tag=DISCR_TAG_BASE, limiter_func=None, return_gradients=False, use_esdg=False, inviscid_terms_on=True): r""" Simple implementation of a thermally-coupled fluid/wall operator. Computes the RHS for a two-volume domain coupled by temperature and heat flux, by augmenting *fluid_boundaries* and *wall_boundaries* with the boundaries for the fluid-wall interface and calling the respective NS/diffusion operators. Parameters ---------- dcoll: class:`~grudge.discretization.DiscretizationCollection` A discretization collection encapsulating the DG elements gas_model: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.GasModel` Physical gas model including equation of state, transport, and kinetic properties as required by fluid state fluid_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the fluid volume. wall_dd: :class:`grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` DOF descriptor for the wall volume. fluid_boundaries: Dictionary of boundary objects for the fluid subdomain, one for each :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` that represents a domain boundary. wall_boundaries: Dictionary of boundary objects for the wall subdomain, one for each :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.BoundaryDomainTag` that represents a domain boundary. fluid_state: :class:`~mirgecom.gas_model.FluidState` Fluid state object with the conserved state and dependent quantities for the fluid volume. wall_kappa: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Thermal conductivity for the wall volume. wall_temperature: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Temperature for the wall volume. time: Time interface_noslip: bool If `True`, interface boundaries on the fluid side will be treated as no-slip walls. If `False` they will be treated as slip walls. interface_radiation: bool If `True`, interface includes a radiation sink term in the heat flux. See :class:`~mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall.InterfaceWallRadiationBoundary` for details. Additional arguments *wall_emissivity*, *sigma*, and *ambient_temperature* are required if enabled. wall_emissivity: float or :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Emissivity of the wall material. sigma: float Stefan-Boltzmann constant. ambient_temperature: :class:`meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` Ambient temperature of the environment. wall_penalty_amount: float Coefficient $c$ for the interior penalty on the heat flux. See :class:`~mirgecom.multiphysics.thermally_coupled_fluid_wall.InterfaceFluidBoundary` for details. Not used if *interface_radiation* is `True`. quadrature_tag: An identifier denoting a particular quadrature discretization to use during operator evaluations. limiter_func: Callable function to be passed to :func:`~mirgecom.gas_model.make_operator_fluid_states` that filters or limits the produced fluid states. This is used to keep species mass fractions in physical and realizable states, for example. use_esdg: bool If `True`, use the entropy-stable version of the Navier-Stokes operator. Returns ------- The tuple `(fluid_rhs, wall_rhs)`. """ if wall_penalty_amount is None: # FIXME: After verifying the form of the penalty term, figure out what value # makes sense to use as a default here wall_penalty_amount = 0.05 if interface_radiation: if ( wall_emissivity is None or sigma is None or ambient_temperature is None): raise TypeError( "Arguments 'wall_emissivity', 'sigma' and 'ambient_temperature'" "are required if using surface radiation.") fluid_boundaries = { as_dofdesc(bdtag).domain_tag: bdry for bdtag, bdry in fluid_boundaries.items()} wall_boundaries = { as_dofdesc(bdtag).domain_tag: bdry for bdtag, bdry in wall_boundaries.items()} # Include boundaries for the fluid-wall interface; no temperature gradient # yet because we need to compute it fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, wall_all_boundaries_no_grad = \ add_interface_boundaries_no_grad( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, interface_radiation=interface_radiation, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag) # Get the operator fluid states fluid_operator_states_quad = make_operator_fluid_states( dcoll, fluid_state, gas_model, fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, quadrature_tag, dd=fluid_dd, comm_tag=_FluidOpStatesTag, limiter_func=limiter_func) # Compute the temperature gradient for both subdomains fluid_grad_temperature = fluid_grad_t_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_all_boundaries_no_grad, fluid_state, time=time, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, dd=fluid_dd, operator_states_quad=fluid_operator_states_quad, comm_tag=_FluidGradTag) wall_grad_temperature = wall_grad_t_operator( dcoll, wall_kappa, wall_all_boundaries_no_grad, wall_temperature, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, dd=wall_dd, comm_tag=_WallGradTag) # Include boundaries for the fluid-wall interface, now with the temperature # gradient fluid_all_boundaries, wall_all_boundaries = \ add_interface_boundaries( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_dd, wall_dd, fluid_state, wall_kappa, wall_temperature, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature, fluid_boundaries, wall_boundaries, interface_noslip=interface_noslip, interface_radiation=interface_radiation, wall_emissivity=wall_emissivity, sigma=sigma, ambient_temperature=ambient_temperature, wall_penalty_amount=wall_penalty_amount, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag) # Compute the subdomain NS/diffusion operators using the augmented boundaries my_ns_operator = partial(ns_operator, viscous_numerical_flux_func=viscous_facial_flux_harmonic, use_esdg=use_esdg, inviscid_terms_on=inviscid_terms_on) ns_result = my_ns_operator( dcoll, gas_model, fluid_state, fluid_all_boundaries, time=time, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, dd=fluid_dd, return_gradients=return_gradients, operator_states_quad=fluid_operator_states_quad, grad_t=fluid_grad_temperature, comm_tag=_FluidOperatorTag) wall_rhs = diffusion_operator( dcoll, wall_kappa, wall_all_boundaries, wall_temperature, penalty_amount=wall_penalty_amount, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, dd=wall_dd, grad_u=wall_grad_temperature, comm_tag=_WallOperatorTag) if return_gradients: # Ignore fluid_grad_temperature result here because we already have it fluid_rhs, fluid_grad_cv, _fluid_grad_temperature = ns_result return ( fluid_rhs, wall_rhs, fluid_grad_cv, fluid_grad_temperature, wall_grad_temperature) else: fluid_rhs = ns_result return fluid_rhs, wall_rhs